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The String Book - Floating Routines for Table and Stage
Wichmann, Ralf
Ralf Wichmann
In Collection
Magic tricks
USA  English
Wichmann, Ralf: The String Book
Floating Routines for Table and Stage
©1950 Ralf Wichmann
Paper, stapled, 82 pages

Comments: Floating Routines for Table and Stage


3 Introduction

5 Basic Facts Relating to Effect
5 Effects
5 Methods

7 Guide to Flotation - Using Thread and Balls
7 Thread
9 Balls
10 Object and Thread Chart

11 Routines Using Thread 'Link-Ups'
11 Technique for the One Point Thread
13 Application of the Technique of the One Point Threat
13 - The Ball and Silk
17 - The Ball and Cane
21 - The Ball and the Bowler Hat
26 Technique for the Two Point Thread
29 Application of the Technique of the Two Point Thread
29 - The Ball and Silk
34 - The Floating Balloon
36 - The Two Ball Routine
40 - The Ball and Hat
44 - The Free Point Ball and Cane
46 - The Close Up Floating Ball
55 - The Floating Cigarette
61 - Tips for the Floating Cork
63 - The Ball and Cane
72 - The Ball and Sword
80 - The Tennis Ball and Racket
80 - The Ball and Aerosol Can
81 - The Endless Loop
Product Details
No. of Pages 82
Personal Details
Read It No
Location Magic Library (Home) Shelf Top
Condition Very Fine
Owner Bryan-Keith Taylor