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In Half - The Amazing One-Man Self-Sawing Illusion
Andrew Mayne
In Collection
Seen ItYes
USA / English
DVD  Region 1

The Effect
Andrew Mayne, creator of Illusion EFX, Levitator and Gut Buster presents an amazing twist on a classic illusion.

Step into an upright cabinet made from two cardboard boxes and then visibly separate the two halves of your body! Slide the top box to the side and the audience can see both your upper torso and legs are completely separated. Then blow their minds as you lift your upper body up with your hands showing your waist is several inches off the floor of the cabinet and detached completely! The top box is then slid back and you emerge intact.

In Half - The Amazing One-Man Self Sawing Illusion

Costs less than $60.00 to make
Requires no power tools
Folds down flat
Can be built in under one hour
Requires absolutely no assistants

On this instructional DVD Andrew Mayne provides detailed instructions in building and performing the illusion. Also included is a bonus variation of the effect, Half Man.

Running Time Approximately 44 min
Edition Details
No. of Discs/Tapes 1
Personal Details
Location Video Library at Home
Owner Bryan-Keith Taylor
Condition New