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CORTINI -- MT080.000 (m)
0aa Magician Tokens
In Collection
Magic coin / token
Token / Coin 
CORTINI -- MT080.000 (m)

DATE: Various
OBV: Bust left, above is "CORTINI".
REV: a) Juli 1934/ Liseberg;
b) Dez. 1951/ Palladium/ Dusseldorf;
c) Sept. 54./ "KILDEN"/ Aalborg;
d) October 54./ National-Scala/ Kobenhavn;
e) Alles in Die/ Plaza/ Ber¬lin;
f) 1-15 Marz/ Tivoli-Variete/ Hannover;
g) 1-31/OKT. 1938/ 3 Linden Variete/, Gr Eroffnungs! Programm;
h) 3 Linden! 1-31 Marz! Wertmunze/ Siehe Inserat;
i) 1950/ Prosit Neujahr/ Walhalla Theater Wiesbaden;
j) April 1935/ Scala/ Berlin;
k) Freimarkt 1935/ Central HaHen/ Gross¬Variete/ Bremen;
I) 1936/ Cinema Royal/ Amsterdam;
m) Cortini;
n) Dez. 1937/ Theater Variete Vox/ Bucarest;
o) 16¬31 Marz 1933 Mellini Theater Hannover;
p) 16-31 August Apollo Theater Dusseldorf;
q) OD1. Listo Padu/ Teatre-Variete/ Praha;
r) Palladium/ London;
s) Holborn Theatre/ London;
t) 1-31/ Marz/ 3 Linden/ Leipzig;
u) Gastspiel/ 16-31 Marz/ Central-Theater/ Wurzburg;
v) Juli 1930! Winter/ Garden/ Berlin;
w) Money Makes! Happy;
x) Sept. 1931/ Winter/ Garden/ Berlin;
y) Scala-Berlin;
z) 1-15 Mai. Urania-Theater! Konigsberg/ Pr;
aa) Sept. 1932/ Hansa-Theater/ Hamburg;
bb) 1.-30. Nov.! 1933/ Hansa-Theater/ Hamburg;
cc) B.F. Keith-Albee! & Orpheum Theatres;
dd) Aero-Club! V. Deutschland/ Magischer Zirkel/ Deutschland;
ee) 1.-15. OKT.! 1933! Central-Theater! Chemnitz;
ff) Nojestlatsen/ Neter/ Nojesfaltet;
gg) 50% SLEW; hh) Marz! Stadtpark/ Kassel;
ii) APOLLO Theater/ Mannheim;
jj) Februar! Scala-Essen 1931;
kk) 16-30! Sept. 1935/ 3 Linden Variete! Grosses/ Programm.

COMPOSITION: AL, (all), R5, V5. 33.5-S

Information From:
Magicians' Tokens And Related Items
An Illustrated check-list with estimates of values and rarities.
by F. William Kuethe, Jr.
TAMS Journal, Volume 18, Number 5, October 1978, (Part Two)
Product Details
Personal Details
Read It No
Location Magic Library (Home)
Condition Very Fine
Owner Bryan-Keith Taylor
Cortini (Paul Korth) 1890-1954 (Germany)

Cortini born in East Prussia, performed for 45 years on the large stages of Europe, and in 1928 also at the Palace Theatre in New York. He performed his manipulations in over 160 different cities in the USA. He was famous for his coin catch and as a "man with the 100,000 dollars". After 65 years, he died during a show on the stage.