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SOCIETY OF AMERICAN MAGICIANS - MT303.103 - (58th Annual SAM Convention Token)
0aa Magician Tokens
In Collection
Magic coin / token
Token / Coin 

VICE PRESIDENT” with 2004 (star) 2005 above a Dove,
Top hat, Wand and 5 stars in the center..
*EST 1902 *" around and in center: two snakes biting
each other's tail, around "SAM" initials on top of each other.
COMPOSITION: Red AL. Medal St. 40-S

This is my personal website.
Product Details
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Read It Yes
Location Magic Library (Home)
Condition Mint
Owner Bryan-Keith Taylor
Society of American Magicians

The Society of American Magicians, founded on May 10, 1902 in Martinka's famous magic shop in New York City, New York, is the oldest magical society in the world. For over a century it has promoted the ideals shared by Kellar, Houdini, Thurston and over 30,000 others world-wide who have held membership in the society. These ideals include the elevation of the Art of Magic, the promotion of harmony among magicians, and the opposition of the unnecessary public exposure of magical effects.

One of the co-founders and member No. 1 was Dr. Saram Ellison.

The S.A.M. offers the opportunity to unite and associate with leaders in the World of Magic - not only professionals, but with amateurs, manufacturers, magic dealers, book authors and magic collectors. Through its monthly publications, annual conventions, and with over 250 "Assemblies" throughout the world, the S.A.M. provides the necessary forum for the advancement of magic through discussions, lectures, research, performances, and exchange of magic secrets within the magic community. To promote these endeavors the S.A.M. presents awards and fellowships in recognition of outstanding achievement in the Art of Magic.

Members have included Harry Blackstone, Jr., Siegfried & Roy, Lance Burton and David Copperfield.

Official Organs
•Mahatma contained the official Society of American Magicians column beginning in July, 1902 and starting with the September, 1902 issue, it was their official organ.
•The Sphinx became the western organ of the Society of American Magicians with Volume 1 Number 9 (November 1909) and with Volume 8 (March 1909) it started proclaiming itself to be the official organ of the Society of American Magicians.
•M-U-M started in October, 1911 by Charles Roltare. It did not take the place of the SAM's Official Organ, The Sphinx. It was a private circulation, to members only, to discuss intimate subjects pertaining to the precepts of the Society. Its columns were open to members only.
•Starting with the October, 1927, M-U-M was printed within the pages of The Sphinx.
•On May 1932, Sphinx stops declaring itself as the official organ of SAM.
•On September, 1932 issue of Sphinx it starts declaring it contains "Official Reports of the Society of American Magicians and Other" and continues to until February 1936.
•In 1941, the S.A.M. contracted Genii to print their M-U-M as part of the magazine.
•Starting in June, 1951, Milbourne Christopher took over, publishing it again as an independent magazine and MUM has been continuously published ever since.
George Schindler is currently the Dean of the Society of American Magicians, a lifetime appointment. Past Deans include Harry Kellar (the first Dean), Frederick Eugene Powell, Al Baker, Jean Hugard, Herman Hanson, Werner Dornfield, H. Adrian Smith and Jay Marshall.

Past Presidents
•1902-05 W. Golden Mortimer (Toured the United States as "Mortimer's Mysteries" before becoming a physician.)
•1905-06 John W. Sargent (Performed as "Sargent the Merry Wizard" and was secretary to Harry Houdini)
•1906-08 Francis J. Werner (A society entertainer, musician, artist and magician. Also worked for U.S. Customs Service)
•1908-09 Oscar S. Teale (An architect, illustrator and researcher for Houdini)
•1909-10 William A. Ransom (Executive Secretary to wealthy railroad businessmen)
•1910-11 Elmer P. Ransom (Toured America with own show before becoming one of New York's top society entertainer.)
•1911-12 Charles Roltare (Professional vaudeville magician and first editor of M-U-M)
•1912-14 Henry Hatton (born Patrick Henry Cannon and stage name around 1867)
•1914-15 Lionel M. Homburger (The third editor for MUM and later legally changed name to Dr. Lionel Hartley)
•1915-17 Richard Van Dien (Lived to be 90 and had one of the most extensive magic libraries in New Jersey)
•1917-26 Harry Houdini (One if the most well known magicians to ever live)
•1926-27 Bernard M. L. Ernst (Amateur magician and lawyer of Harry Houdini)
•1927-29 Howard Thurston (Had one of the largest traveling Vaudeville magic show of the time)
•1929-30 Theodore Hardeen (Brother of Houdini)
•1930-31 James C. Wobensmith (Author and attorney who patented many of Thurston's illusions)
•1931-32 Werner F. Dornfield (Known as "Dorny" was close friend of Houdini and Thurston)
•1932-33 Bertram E. Adams ("New England's busiest magician" whose magic collection is now in the Boston Public Library)
•1933-34 William H. McCaffrey (One of the best card magicians of his time)
•1934-35 William R. Walsh (Invented Appearing Cane in 1947)
•1935-36 Julien J. Proskauer (Published Conjurors' Magazine 1945-1947)
•1936-37 Irving R. Calkins, M.D. (Surgeon and Olympic pistol expert)
•1937-38 Theodore T. Golden (Noted Washington D.C. Lawyer)
•1938-39 Nate Leipzig (One of the Card Stars of the U.S.A.)
•1939-40 Eugene Bernstein (Prominent Chicago attorney that specialized in hypnosis and spook shows)
•1940-41 H. Adrian Smith (Magic collector)
•1941-42 Richard Cardini (Master magician whose career spanned almost half a century)
•1942-43 Herman Hanson ("Mystic Hanson" worked on Howard Thurston's show and later managed Max Holden's magic shop)
•1943-44 John B. Handy (Bred miniature rabbits at his estate, "Nolanus", which contained a magic theater)
•1944-45 Warren E. Simms (Professional magician, ventriloquist billed as "the White House magician")
•1945-46 Raymond F. Muse
•1946-47 Bert Allerton
•1947-48 Charles C. Slayton
•1948-49 John McArdle
•1949-50 Dr. Harlan Tarbell
•1950-51 Richard DuBois
•1951-52 Austin C. Gorham
•1952-53 Leslie P. Guest
•1953-55 William R. Greenough
•1956-57 Charles O. Schoke
•1957-58 Milbourne Christopher
•1958-59 Hugh R. Riley
•1955-56 Lloyd E. Jones
•1959-60 Thomas K. Hawbecker
•1960-61 William J. McCarthy
•1961-62 Neil C. Doren, M.D.
•1962-63 George E. Mueller, M.D.
•1963-64 Edward Schneider
•1964-65 J. Ronald Haines
•1965-66 James C. Johnson, M.D.
•1966-67 John U. Zweers
•1967-68 Vynn Boyar
•1968-69 Edward A. Schuman
•1969-70 Forrest F. Sample
•1970-71 Bradley M. Jacobs
•1971-72 J. Gary Bontjes
•1972-73 Edward E. Mishell
•1973-74 Richard L. Gustafson
•1974-75 William P. Dunbaugh
•1975-76 Dr. Roy Kupsinel
•1976-77 Charles W. Brigham
•1977-78 Donald E. Lea
•1978-79 Roy A. Snyder
•1979-80 Bruce Fletcher
•1980-81 James Zachary
•1981-82 Henry Moorehouse
•1982-83 Herb Downs
•1983-84 Frank W. Dailey
•1984-85 Raymond M. Corbin
•1985-86 Cesareo R. Pelaez
•1986-87 David R. Goodsell
•1987-88 William E. Andrews
•1988-89 Robert A. Steiner
•1989-90 Fr. Cyprian Murray, OFM, Cap.
•1990-91 Margaret Dailey
•1991-92 Michael D. Douglass
•1992-93 George Schindler
•1993-94 Dan Rodriguez
•1994-95 Dan Garrett
•1995-96 Don Oltz
•1996-97 Craig Dickson
•1997-98 Loren Lind
•1998-99 Gary Hughes
•1999-2000 Harry Monti
•2000-2001 Jann Goodsell
•2001-2002 Warren Kaps
•2002-2003 Ed Thomas
•2003-2004 Jay Gorham
•2004-2005 John W. Apperson
•2005-2006 Rich Dooley
•2006-2007 Andy Dallas
•2007-2008 Maria Ibanez
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Category: Magic Organizations