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The Illusionist - International Journal
4k Magic Programs & Magazines
In Collection
Magic tricks
For five years (1993 - 1997) we published THE ILLUSIONIST - International Journal of Stage Magic and Grand Illusion. This was the only magical publication dedicated solely to stage magic. We were fortunate enough to have some great writers and contributors, including: Harry Blackstone, Tony Clark, Rand Woodbury, Jay Scott Berry, Mark & Nani Wilson, Paul Osborne, Peter White, Ben Robinson, Eugene Gloye, Billy McComb, John Booth, Marvyn Roy, Paul Daniels, Jim Steinmeyer, and many others.
Product Details
Personal Details
Read It No
Location Magic Library (Home)
Condition Near Mint
Owner Bryan-Keith Taylor
No. 1
Christopher's Wonders Revisited by Ben Robinson
Double Dove Deception Dove Bag by Tony Clark
The Lazy Magician by Edd Zauber
A "Tired" Illusion by Fred Phelan
Christopher's Choice by Maurine Christopher
Crushing a Woman by Billy McComb
Christopher, Gleason, Goebel & Co. by George Goebel

No. 2
Magic on the High Seas by Rand Woodbury
Pro-File of John Fareed
Darwin's Dove Penetration by Gary Darwin
The Colossal Sponge by Edd Zauber
Making an Asrah Dummy by Fred Phelan
Being a Professional Magician by Roger Hill
Tips for Ships by Tony Clark
The Best Kept Secret in the North - Gerry and Leonora Frenette
Tripping the Light Fantastic by Jay Scott Berry

No. 3
Mark Wilson on Illusion
Pro-File of Scott Hollingsworth
General Grant's Triple Color Changing Silk
A Versatile Illusion by Fred Phelan
Learning escapeArtistry by Norman Bigelow
A Visit with Nani Darnell Wilson
S.A.M. Convention 95 - An Overview
Penetration Illusion by Gary Darwin

No. 4
I Came, I Sawed, I Conquered - A Compiled History of the Sawing in Two (Part 1) by Bruce Chadwick
On Volunteers from the Audience by Harry Blackstone, Jr.
Pro-File of The Magic of David Garrity
Zauber's Version of Here, There, and Everywhere
Pro-File of Gregory James and Kristi
Card Castle Illusion by Fred Phelan
D'Illusions of Grandeur by Leonora Frenette
Spotlight on Thin Model Sawing