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Steve Beam's Semi-Automatic Card Tricks Volume 4
Beam, Steve
Trapdoor Productions (2002)
In Collection
Card tricks
USA  eng
Beam, Steve: Semi-Automatic Card Tricks IV
©2002 (First Edition) Trapdoor Productions
Hardcover; 264 Pages

Comments (Wolfgang): The entire Semi-Auto Card Trick Series is still available (Jan 2013) from Steve Beam's Trapdoor Productions


11 Introduction

18 Telephone Tricks
18 The Phony Card Trick (Steve Beam)
21 Support Your Local Magician (Steve Beam)
23 Right on Q (Lewis Jones)
25 Alphanumeric (Doug Canning & Steve Beam)
26 Doing Your Nails (Steve Beam)
28 The Tyro Cardsharp (Doreen Knott)

32 Prediction Effects
32 The NOBS Predicition (Steve Beam)
34 Easy on the Curry (Steve Beam)
36 The Lockbox Predicition (Steve Beam)
39 Color My World (Mick Ayres)
41 The Underside of The Moon (Raj Madhok)
42 Me And You (Lewis Jones)
44 Witchcrap (Steve Beam)
45 Birthing Twins (Steve Beam)
47 The Pocket Fisherman (Steve Beam)

52 Surprise Party
52 It Takes a Year (Joe Riding)
54 Party Time (Steve Beam)
55 Second Birthday (Steve Beam)
57 Prime Cut (Magic Christian)
59 Birthday Memories (Simon Aronson)
60 Old Magicians

66 Shrink-Wrapped Magic, The Magic of Marty Kane
66 Jack of Death Card Trick (Marty Kane)
67 Halve it Your Way (Marty Kane)
71 Precision Division (Marty Kane)
74 Progressive Card Magic (Marty Kane)
76 Modern Day Moracle (Marty Kane)
77 Mora - cull (Steve Beam)
78 Fraps on Craps (Marty Kane)
80 Dream Team Scheme (Marty Kane)
82 Single Decker Spell Checker (Marty Kane)
83 The Anna Graham Scam (Marty Kane)

88 Pure Math
88 Matsuyama´s Mates (Robin Robertson & Peter Duffie)
89 Lie Decktector (Robin Robertson & Peter Duffie)
90 Random Illusion (Robin Robertson & Peter Duffie)
91 Matsuyama to the Max (Robin Robertson & Peter Duffie)
92 Four Mat (Doug Canning)
92 The Eliminator (Steve Beam)
93 Even Balder (Steve Beam)
95 Odder Than Even (Steve Beam)
95 Burnout (Doug Canning)
96 Triple Play (Doug Canning)
97 Think of a Card (Tino Call)
99 One in 52 (Steve Beam)
100 Double Dipping (Steve Beam)
102 Divination Three By Four (Reinhard Müller)
105 Bent out of Shape (Jack Avis)

110 Stirring the Stew
110 Rage With an "N" (Allan Slaight)
111 Imaginary Vanish (Steve Beam)
113 Alpha Bet (Steve Beam)
118 A Royal Parcel (William Goodwin)
119 Repackaged Prediction (Scott Robinson)
121 Fourth Incantation (Stewart James)

126 Singularities
126 The All Backs Routine (Tony Griffith)
131 Slip and Slide (Elias Ugart)
133 Up and Down Double (Lewis Jones)
135 Just Friends (Dave Solomon)
137 Quite Time (Doug Canning)
138 The Human Transmitter (Steve Beam)
140 Direct Transposition (Harvey Rosenthal)
142 Dicycles (Steve Beam)
144 Double Dicycles (Steve Beam & Dough Canning)

150 Impossible Locations
150 Speed - Reader (Mick Ayres)
152 Speed - Reader II (Doug Canning)
153 Knowing Where It Isn´t (Steve Beam)
154 Dealer´s Choice (Doug Canning)
155 Fourgery (Bob Farmer)
159 Ring (R. Paul Wilson)

166 Gambling Tricks
166 Spineless (Steve Beam & Doug Canning)
168 Bullet - Ridden (Steve Beam)
171 A Perfect Bridge Partner (Gianfranco Preverino)
173 Milking The Boards (Lee Asher)
174 Beating The Cut (Steve Beam)
175 Gambler´s School (Steve Beam)
177 Lucky Digits (Steve Beam)
178 The Empty Upjog (Steve Beam)
181 Betting on Triumph (Steve Beam)
182 Challenge Deal (John Moran)
183 Starter Cards (Steve Beam)
185 Starter Cards II (Steve Beam)
186 The Omega Particle (Steve Beam)

196 Card Tricks Without Playing Cards
196 Sixty Nine (Steve Beam)
197 The Sifter (Steve Beam)
198 Table Sifter (Raj Madhok)
200 Scrabbled (Steve Beam)
202 Men of Letters (Scott Robinson, Doug Canning, Steve Beam)
205 Alpha Male (Steve Beam)

210 Magic Squares
210 Steve´s Nothing - to - Do - With - Canning´s - Idea Prediction (Steve Beam)
212 Steve´s Even - Less - To - Do - With - Canning´s - Idea Prediction (Steve Beam)
214 Doug - Less (Steve Beam)
216 Two - Squared (Steve Beam)

220 Updates
220 Mortality - The Second Opinion (Steve Beam)
223 Preventive Poker (Steve Beam)
224 No Looking Location (Newell Unfried)

228 The Box Magician
228 Resets In an Instant (Andi Gladwin)
230 The Widow Maker (Steve Beam)
234 The Boxtop Change (Steve Beam)
236 Red & Black Widow (Steve Beam)
238 Boxing Triumph (Steve Beam)

243 Moves & Concepts
243 The 15 / 15 Force (Steve Beam)
244 The Unpublished Move (Steve Draun)
245 Siesta Force (Elias Ugart)
248 R & B Shuffle (Steve Beam)
249 Quickie Reference Segment

251 Erata

255 "Thanksgiven"

257 Routine Builder

261 Index

Product Description

Written and Illustrated by Steve Beam Hardbound, 264 pages

This is the fourth volume in a series of books designed to provide top caliber card tricks to both conjuring hobbyists and professionals. Proving again that quality card magic doesn't have to be difficult to be effective, the author has assembled the best tricks from the brightest minds to intersperse between his own favorite card tricks. And these are card tricks that cook!

In this volume you will find more than eighty high-octane card tricks, guaranteed to entertain laymen and hurt magicians. Written in the same enjoyable style that has made best-sellers of the first three volumes, you will enjoy the journey as much as the destination. The card tricks before you will teach you how to milk every drop of entertainment from your card magic. - and learn with examples how you can entertain with nothing more than a deck of cards and first-class material. You will be able to do more than simply do tricks. You will learn to use a pack of cards as a tool to enrich your conjuring knowledge while livening up your every performance.

The author has used playing cards as his tickets to travel around the world. During these travels he has assembled card tricks that are physically easy to do, enjoyable to watch, and carry a devastating impact. Well known among magicians as someone who performs what he originates, he includes his insights into what makes card tricks fun to watch and to perform. These range from the necessary presentational hooks upon which to build your routines to full-blown presentations for the effects provided. When added to the three volumes that precede it, this previously unpublished collection makes this series the source and resource for the best card tricks available today.

“Steve Beam is a very funny man, and Semi-Automatic Card Tricks Volume 4 is a very funny book that made me laugh out loud more than once. To our benefit, Steve has applied his wit to the creation of presentations that accompany almost all of the routines in the book. Generally speaking, sequels never live up to the quality of the original production. The Semi-Automatic Card Trick series is an exception. In fact, Volume Four may be the best one yet.” Michael Close, MAGIC, August 2002.

Product Details
Dewey 793.8
No. of Pages 264
First Edition Yes
Original Title Steve Beam's Semi-Automatic Card Tricks Volume Four
Original Publisher Trapdoor Productions
Original Country United States of America
Original Language English
Personal Details
Read It No
Location Magic Library (Home) Shelf B
Purchase Date 8/14/2017
Condition Very Fine
Owner Bryan-Keith Taylor