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Magic With An ESP Deck
Dalal, Sam
Sam Dalal (1995)
In Collection
Magic tricks
India  eng
Dalal, Sam: Magic With an ESP Deck
©1972 1st Ed, Sam Dalal
Softcover, saddle-stitched, 5x8, 32 pages
©1977 2nd Ed, Accent Products
©1995 3rd Ed

Comments: Edited by Robert Gramer. Included official papers for "The Test". According to, the first edition was written in 1972, with a 2nd edition published by Mickey Hades in 1976 (and the Accent Productions edition also says 2nd Edition, and was publilshed in 1977). The third edition has the most material and was first published in 1995.


Micky Hades Ed 1976
Accent Products 1977
3rd Edition 1995
Background and Presentation Angles
One in 14,400
Forced Freedom
Thought Force
Do As I Do
- Uni-Match
- Triple Match
Sign Off
1 Introduction
2 Terminology
5 Background
7 One in 14,400
12 Ulti-matchic
14 Forced Freedom
17 The Test
21 Thought Force
23 Do As I Do Effects
25 Uni-Match
26 Triple Match
28 Coincidence?
29 Think-A-Card
31 My Favorite 4 Introduction
7 A Brief Background
8 Moves & Terminology
8 - The False Hindu Shuffle
9 - Over Hand Shuffle
10 One in 14,400
12 Ulti-Matchic
14 Forced Freedom
16 The Test
17 - Institute for Investigaton of Paranormal Phenomenon
18 - Procedure for Testing of Intuitional ESP
19 Predestined Choice
22 Thought Force
23 Do As I Do
24 Uni-Match
24 Coincidence
25 Timed Thoughts
27 Triple Match
28 Think-A-Card
29 My Favorite
30 ESP Stacking
Product Details
Edition 3rd revised and enlarged edition
No. of Pages 22
Personal Details
Read It No
Location Magic Library (Home) Shelf E
Condition Near Mint
Owner Bryan-Keith Taylor