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Elliott's Last Legacy - Card Tricks and Conjuring
Houdini, Harry
Adams Press Print (1923)
In Collection
Magic tricks
USA  eng
Houdini, Harry & Clinton Burgess: Elliott's Last Legacy
©1923 Adams Press Print
Hardbound, 6x9", 320 pages

Card Tricks & Conjuring
©1980 Coles Publishing

Comments: Edited by Houdini, compiled by Clinton Burgess. "Secrets of the King of All Kard Kings. Many tricks that have mystified the best magicians of the world, laid bare for the first time, together with many novel inventions taken from Note Books left by Dr. James William Elliott." Later republished as "Card Tricks and Conjuring". Please note that the table of contents I saw for the Coles edition stopped at page 299 and did not list the last chapter Hints and Suggestions.

Contents (Thanks to Bryan T; Note: the original contents is set out more in an Index form; the below has been re-orded in page sequential order)

13 Introduction (Houdini)
17 Foreword
19 Personaly (Clinton Burgess)
23 Eulogium (Ezra Lee Buckey)
26 A Disciple of Versatility (Houdini)

29 Magical Effects

29 Ball
29 Magical Baseball
31 The Floating Ball
31 Fortune-Telling Ball: Right, Left, Centre
35 Vanished Beyond Recovery

36 Bottle
36 A Chameleon Bottle
38 The Milk Baby
40 Puzzling the Prohibitionist

43 Box
43 Japanese Magic Occidentalized
50 Self-Fillng Box

52 Candy
52 Just Enough Yet an Abundance

53 Card
53 Elliott's Palm Advantage
54 Animated Card
54 Improved Cricket Bat
56 Combination for Card Location
58 Mechanical Control
59 Elliott's Nailed Deck
63 Fan Off From Vest
64 A Feat With the Feat
66 Floating Card Houlette
69 Giant Card Houlette
76 Inseperable
76 Jumping Card
78 Elliott's Cards, Plates and Goblets
80 Leading Extra Card Packet on Deck
81 Luck Science or Hokum?
83 Elliott's 52-card Poker Combination
83 Elliott's (New) Numercial Card Producers
84 The Elliott Method of Card Marking
86 Nine Card Trick
92 Novel Card Change
95 Elliott's Double, Triple, Quadruple, Card Productions From Body
101 Effective, Simplex, Mechanical Card Production
104 The Giant Rising
106 The Scissors
111 Sleight for Card in Lemon, Etc.
112 New Card Target
114 Think Stop
117 Cards:
117 A Natural Sure-Fire Force
122 Giant Fan of Cards
123 Card Location, Card
125 The Elliott, Ducrot Change-Over Palm
128 The Elliott Pass
129 Elliott's Riffle Pass
131 Houdini's Pass
133 Two Effective Moves by Houdini
134 Acrobatic Rising Card
135 Production of Selected Card, A New Way
136 The "OK" Card Trick
138 Invisible Reverse
141 Riffling
142 Scaling
145 Spelling Card
147 Tearing Deck in Two
149 An Original Method of Palming
151 Mechanical Chairs
151 Automatic Hat-loading
152 Novel Chair for Huge Loads
153 Explosion Chair
154 Correct Dimensions of Chair-cover

155 Chemicals
155 Wine and Water Variation

157 Cigar
157 Single-handed Production From Nose

157 Cloth & Die
157 An Ingenious Die "Form"
158 Wire Form for Die

159 Conveyance
159 The Art of Conveying
167 Secret Method of Conveyance, for Borrowed Articles

174 Coins
174 Welsh Miller's Dropper
175 Elliott Money Melting
191 Welsh Miller's Original Wand

193 Electric
193 Hand-shake, A Shocking
193 Tray, The Touch-me-not

177 Flower
177 Kellar's "Growth of Flowers"
180 Spectacular Effect for Same
181 Additional Spectacular Effect

184 Glass
184 Miller's Table for Penetration Effects
185 Unique Vanishing

187 Hand
187 The Human Hand
187 Hand Versus Eye

189 Handkerchief
189 Obedient Handkerchiefs
190 Silk Producing Stand
191 Welsh Miller's Original Coin Wand

195 Illusions
195 "Anchor" or "Cross," Improved
205 Astronomagic
206 The Book of History
208 Bottled Authors
210 The Broom Witch
213 Change of Living Subjects
213 Old Method of Human Concealment
214 "C Y S I," (or) "Can You Solve It?"
219 The Elixir of Life
221 A Novel Metamorphosis
222 Novel Spectacular Patriotic
224 The Pierced Prisoner
227 Queen Queer, H.R.H.
229 Refrigeration Extraordinary
232 The Tenibac Mystery
235 Thread of Life
238 Thimble Lady
239 Triple Trunk
242 Walking on Water

244 Live Stock
244 Incubation, Incredible
248 Rabbits, Magical, Why White
249 Rabbits Instead of Roses
251 Stunts With the "Anermiles"
252 Loads
252 Chair, Novel
253 Front, Table
255 Huge, Non-body

257 Milk
257 Invisible Cow

258 Music
258 A List of 120 Musical Compositions, Suitable for Magical and Mystery Performances, Embracing 15 Marches, 12 Waltzes, 63 Miscellaneous and Oriental Oddities, 14 Additional Compositions and 16 National and Patriotic Airs

262 Oriental
262 Hindoo Sticks, Self-working

263 Regurgitation
263 Practical Value of in Magic

264 Rings
264 Genuine Ten Ichi Thumb Tie
265 Improved Examined Rings on Cord

267 Servantes
267 Reversible, Chair

268 Slate
268 The Spencerian

272 Table
272 Trapless, Yet All Traps

274 Telepathic
274 (Genuine)
284 "Experimental Telepathy With Playing Cards"

292 Wands
292 Welsh Miller's Rising Wand

294 Water
294 Traveling Water

297 Well Device
297 Noiseless in Operation
300 Hints and Suggestions
300 Cards, Comical Effect for Rising
300 DeKolta's Cards, A More Effective Way
301 Cage and Bird Vanishing
301 Advantage for Palming Cards
302 Hints to "Black Artists"
302 Cabinet Curtains
302 Celluloid for Magical Purposes
302 Genuine Chinese Names
302 Cleaning Fabric, Glass, Etc
307 Simplex Code Communication, Simplex
306 Color Value
307 To Mix Flesh Color
307 Mirrors for Illusions
307 Identification of Duplicate Articles
309 Scale of and Detail of Paraphernalia
310 Proficiency, Professional Efficiency & Precaution
310 Egg-bag, Novel Presentation
310 Simplex Servante for Vest
311 Care of Live-Stock
311 Passe-passe Bottle Effect
311 Care of Live Stock
316 Regarding Counterweight
316 Regarding Unusually Tall Illusion

Elliott was a very popular magician. Particularly some of his card effects were considered best of its kind. Nobody knew the secrets to some of Elliott's tricks. People waited impatiently for the release of this book. But it was met with some disappointment that not all of Elliott's tricks were described. We do not know which tricks these critics mean. The reason might well be that Elliott died before he could finish his book. Burgess and Houdini had to collect Elliott's notes and fill in some of the missing explanations. However, Elliott and Houdini believed that all the material in this book was new and has never before been published.

1st edition, 1923, Adams; reprint, 1980, Coles, Canada; 324 pages.

Elliott's Last Legacy
Author: Clinton Burgess

Publisher: Adams Press Print
Publication Date: 1923
Language: English

Elliott's Last Legacy:: Secrets of the King of All Kard Kings was a book on Dr. James William Elliott's magic.
Elliott died before he could finish this book. Clinton Burgess and Harry Houdini collected Elliott's notes and fill in some of the missing explanations.
Originally advertised with the title "Elliott's Legacy to the Conjuring Fraternity", Burgess was bitter when the book was published because Houdini ended up taking most of the credit. Houdini even put his name on the cover in large bold letters.[1]
In the 1980s it was republished by Coles in paperback as "Card Tricks and Conjuring".

1. CONCERNING "ELLIOTS LAST LEGACY" By John H. Percival, MUM, January 1970

Elliott's Last Legacy Aka Card Tricks and conjuring.Paperback– 1980
by Harry, ed. Re Dr. James William Elliott and Compiled By Clinton Burgess Houdini(Author), Oscar Teale(Illustrator)
Product Details
LoC Classification GV1547.A57
No. of Pages 324
Height x Width 9.0 x 6.0  inch
Original Title Elliott's Last Legacy
Original Subtitle Card Tricks and Conjuring
Original Publisher Adams Press Print
Original Country United States of America
Original Publication Year 1923
Personal Details
Read It No
Location Magic Library (Home) Shelf L
Purchase Date 4/14/2015
Condition Very Fine
Owner Bryan-Keith Taylor
Elliott's Last Legacy - the master card trickster's feats, secrets of the king of all kard kings, many tricks that have mystified the best magicians in the world.... By Dr James William Elliott. Edited by Houdini. Compiled by Clinton Burgess
by HOUDINI Harry

Elliott's Last Legacy - the master card trickster's feats, secrets of the king of all kard kings, many tricks that have mystified the best magicians in the world.... By Dr James William Elliott. Edited by Houdini. Compiled by Clinton Burgess by HOUDINI Harry
Title: Elliott's Last Legacy - the master card trickster's feats, secrets of the king of all kard kings, many tricks that have mystified the best magicians in the world.... By Dr James William Elliott. Edited by Houdini. Compiled by Clinton Burgess
Author: HOUDINI Harry
Book condition: Good
Binding: Hardcover
Publisher: Adams Press Print
Place: New York
Date published: 1923
Keywords: magic;

Table of Contents

13.INTRODUCTION by Houdini
19.PERSONALITY by Clinton Burgess
23.EULOGIUM by Dr. Ezra Lee Buckey

29.Baseball, Magical
31.Floating, The
31.Fortune-telling, Right, Left, Centre
35.Vanished Beyond Recovery

36.Chameleon, A
38.Milk Baby, The
40.Puzzling the Prohibitionist

43.Japanese Magic Occidentalized
50.Self-filling Box

52.Just Enough, Yet An Abundance

53.Advantage, Elliott's Palm
54.Bat, Improved Cricket
56.Combination, For Card Location
317.Card Stacking for Exhibition Games
58.Control, Mechanical
59.Deck, Elliott's Nailed
63.Fan Off From Vest
64.Feat With the Feet, A
66.Floating Card Houlette
69.Giant Card Houlette
76.Jumping Card
78.Elliott's Cards, Plates and Goblets
80.Loading Extra Card Packet on Deck
81.Luck, Science or Hokum?
83.Elliott's 52-Card Poker Combination
83.Elliott's (New) Numerical Card Producers
84.The Elliott Method of Card Marking
86.Nine Card Trick
92.Novel Card Change
95.Elliott's, Double, Triple, Quadruple, Card Productions From Body
101.Effective, Simplex Mechanical Card Production
104.Rising, The Giant
106.Scissors, The
111.Sleight for Card in Lemon, Etc.
112.Target, New Card
114.Think Stop

117.Force, A Natural Sure-Fire
122.Giant Fan of
123.Location, Card
125.Palm, The Elliott, Ducrot Change-over
128.Pass, The Elliott
129.Pass, Elliott's Riffle
131.Pass, Houdini's
133.Two Effective Moves by Houdini
134.Acrobatic Rising Card
135.Production of Selected Card, A New Way
136.The "O. K." Card Trick
138.Reverse, Invisible
145.Spelling Card
147.Tearing Deck in Two
149.An Original Method of Palming

151.Automatic Hat-loading
152.Novel Chair for Huge Loads
153.Explosion Chair
154.Chair-cover, Correct Dimensions of

155.Wine and Water Variation

157.Single-handed Production From Nose

302.Fabric, Glass, Metal, Etc.

157.An Ingenious Die "Form"

159.The Art of

167.Secret Method of, for Borrowed Articles

50.Box, Self-filling
174.Dropper, Welsh Miller's
175.Money Melting, Elliott
191.Wand, Welsh Miller's Original

158.Wire Form for

193.Hand-shake, A Shocking
193.Tray, The Touch-me-not

177."Growth of Flowers," Kellar's
180.Spectacular Effect for Same
181.Additional Spectacular Effect

184.Table, Miller's, for Penetration Effects
185.Vanishing, Unique

187.The Human Hand
187.Hand Versus Eye

189.Obedient Handkerchiefs
190.Stand, Silk Producing

301.Bird and Cage, Vanishing Effect
301.Cage and Bird Vanishing
302."Black Artists," Hints to
302.Cabinet Curtains
300.Cards, Comical Effect for Rising
300.Cards, DeKolta's, A More Effective Way
301.Cards, Palming, Advantage for
302.Celluloid for Magical Purposes
302.Chinese Names, Genuine
302.Cleaning Fabric, Glass, Etc.
307.Code Communication, Simplex
307.Color, Flesh, to Mix
306.Color Value
307.Duplicate Articles, Identification of
310.Efficiency, Professional
310.Egg-bag, Novel Presentation
311.Live-Stock, Care of
307.Mirrors for Illusions
301.Palming Advantage
309.Paraphernalia, Scale of, and Detail
311.Passe-passe Bottle Effect
310.Precaution, Professional
310.Servante for Vest, Simplex

195."Anchor" or "Cross," Improved
206.Book of History, The
208.Bottled Authors
210.Broom Witch, The
213.Change of Living Subjects
213.Concealment, Old Method of Human
316.Counterweight, Regarding
214."C Y S I," (or) "Can You Solve It?"
219.Elixir of Life, The
221.Metamorphosis, A Novel
222.Patriotic, Novel Spectacular
224.Prisoner, The Pierced
227.Queen Queer, H. R. H.
229.Refrigeration Extraordinary
316.Tall Illusion, Regarding Unusually
232.Tenibac Mystery, The
235.Thread of Life
238.Thimble Lady
239.Trunk, Triple
242.Walking on Water

244.Incubation, Incredible
248.Rabbits, Magical, Why White
249.Rabbits Instead of Roses
251.Stunts With the "Anermiles"
311.Live Stock, Care of

252.Chair, Novel
253.Front, Table
255.Huge, Non-body

257.Invisible Cow

258.A List of 120 Musical Compositions, Suitable for Magical and Mystery Performances, Embracing 15 Marches, 12 Waltzes, 63 Miscellaneous and Oriental Oddities, 14 Additional Compositions and 16 National and Patriotic Airs

262.Hindoo Sticks, Self-working
43.Japanese Magic Occidentalized

263.Practical Value of in Magic

264.Genuine Ten Ichi Thumb Tie
265.Improved Examined Rings on Cord

267.Reversible, Chair

268.Spencerian, The

272.Trapless, Yet All Traps

284."Experimental Telepathy With Playing Cards"

191.Original Coin, Welsh Miller's
292.Rising, Welsh Miller's


297.Noiseless in Operation

word count: 73268 which is equivalent to 293 standard pages of text