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The New Jinx - 1962 - 1968
Madsen, Bill
Kaufman and Greenberg Publishing (1987)
In Collection
Magic tricks
Madsen, Bill (Editor): The New Jinx
©1962-1968, Holden's Magic
Softcover, 8.5x11", 4 pages each issue
©1987 Kaufman & Greenberg
Hardcover, 296 pages

Comments: Monthly periodical for stage mentalists and magicians that ran from May 1962 to April 1968 for 72 issues. Bill Madsen used the pen-name "Arlecchino" as the editor (information from Genii's Magicpedia). The entire set was compiled into a hardcover book in 1987 by Kaufman & Greenberg.

Contents (updated Jan 2018 from book)

Introductory Issue April 1962
1 Editorial: The First Copy of the New Jinx (Madsen Bill)
1 Foreign Exchange (Lynn Martin): English Penn to half dollar in handkerchief
2 Prediction de Luxe (Madsen Bill): headline prediction
3 Comedy Corner
3 - Ro-pin: cut and restored rope with a twist
3 - Balancia: catching a ping pong ball on your nose
4 Jinxisms - The Camel & the Needle's Eye (Clayton Rawon): Camel cigarette through the eye of a needle
4 Dept. of Missing Magicians: plea for material
1 Vol. 1, No. 1, May 1962
1 Magic: Introducing
1 The Korengos: (Jozsef Elsinger): a short bio
2 Moon Flight (Joe Korengo): idea for a mechanical floating ball
2 Everyman's Vanishing Cane (Joe Korengo): poor man's vanishing cane
3 Editorium (Bill Madsen): editorial on magic exposure
4 Comedy Corner:
4 - Comedy Candle to Flower: with a bang
4 - The Creepy Hank: pocket handkerchief keeps vanishing
4 Jinxisms - Ten & One (Jack Vosburgh): a dime and penny on an Ace and 10 spot

5 Vol. 1, No. 2, June 1962
5 Card in the Soup (Martin Lynn): card corner in soup can
6 Editorium (Bill Madsen): don't take flash pictures!
6 Comedy Corner:
6 - Thimbleitis: thimble sticks to nose
6 - A Crooked Deck: visual gag
6 - Un-named: snake basket gag
7 - The Twist Color Change (Martin Lynn): a visible card color change
8 One Little Word (Albert Sidney): a simple book test

9 Vol. 1, No. 3, July 1962
9 Come Fill the Cup (Martin Lynn): silk and dove appearance from a cocktail shaker
10 Editorium (Bill Madsen): review of The New Jinx and a mention of the New Phoenix
10 Comedy Corner: stage bit with the Coin in the Funnel
11 Jinxism - The Devil's Die Secret (Paul Rosini): magician knows which side of a die under a cup is face up
12 Sacrifice (Martin Lynn): bizarre effect of cutting the thumb but no harm done

Vol. 1, No. 4, August 1962
13 Introducing Senor Torino - The Continental Deceptionist: about Tony Kardyro
14 Editorium (Bill Madsen): on magic phoneys
15 Jinxism - Parallel Thoughts (Ted Annemann): assistant on returning to room determines card chosen
16 The Invisible Trip (Tony Kardyro): paper matches assemble to one corner of a handkerchief

Vol. 1, No. 5, September 1962
17 Rabbit Monte (Martin Lynn): audience can't find which bag has the rabbit
18 Editorium (Bill Madsen): letters, reader participation, convention review
19 Familiar Spirit (Kent Arthur): Mathematical mentalism
20 Dear Arlecchino: letter to editor
20 Cardivino (North Bigbee): two person card revelation

Vol. 1, No. 6, October 1962
21 Food for Thought (Irv Weiner): A card revelation using special playing card BonBons
22 Editorium (Bill Madsen): on criticism of magic shows
22 The So Simple Force (Lynn Searles): card force
23 ProFile: Irving Weiner biography
24 Jinxism - The Impressive Moderne (Ted Annemann): sealed letter test
25 Irv's Crimp Control (Irv Weiner): for cards
26 The Prophet's Beard (Irv Weiner-Ray Hyman): magician's beard matches the prediction made with cards with beard pictures on them

Vol. 1, No. 7, November 1962
27 BeStop (Stewart James): Spectator stops at card, and two selections are found on either side
28 Editorium (Bill Madsen): on Annemann and young magicians
28 An Open Letter to Eddie Clever (Bill Madsen): on why another Jinx is worthwhile
29 Jinxism - A Divination with Matches (Fred DeMuth): determining how many matches torn from a pack
30 Copper & Silver (Edward Marlo): full series of transpositions, ending clean

Vol. 1, No. 8, December 1962
31 Tribute (Gene Maze): Triumph with a Stripper Deck
32 Editorium (Bill Madsen): on contributions the British Ring's Budget magazine, and other goings on
32 White Magic (North Bigbee): divination with a method to make a message pad
33 Count Down (Senator Montgomery F. Crowe): magician finds selection using the 4 tens
33 Jinxism (Ted Annemann): recipe for Annemann's Jinx Zipper Cocktail
34 The Monroe Doctrine (Arthur B. Monroe): Four coins assemble on the corner of a handkerchief
Vol. 1, No. 9, January 1963
35 Bobo: introduction to J.B. Bobo
36 Editorium (Bill Madsen): on Don Tanner, Joe White, and honest reviews
37 Change in the Spectator's Hand (JB Bobo): Half dollar changes to Chinese coin in spectator's hand
38 Come & Coin Go (JB Bobo): Coin produced from handkerchief penetrates cloth and vanishes
39 Thru-Pocket Vanish (JB Bobo): for coin
39 Jinxisms - Wise Guy Catch (S. Wimbrough): comedy, audience determines card selection
40 Etheral Silk (JB Bobo): silk production, vanish and production with empty hands

Vol. 1, No. 10, February 1963
41 Alphabet Telepathy (North Bigbee): a mentalist routine suitable for children or adults
42 Editorium (Bill Madsen): Holden's Magic Shop, well written instructions, respect for props
43 Herb Runge's Applause Card (Herb Runge): comedy bit
43 Toss off (Elwin Shaw): miniature card trick
44 Lock & Key (Hen Fetsch): a simple version of 7 Keys to Baldpate

Vol. 1, No. 11, March 1963
45 TeleTact (Danny Tong): a simple book test
46 Editorium (Bill Madsen): Steranko & Danny Tong, magician's assistants
46 Vari-Mental (Danny Tong): close up trick with the Ultra-Mental deck
47 ProFile: Danny Tong biography
47 Tugudtoname (Danny Tong): corner torn from bill, bill in clear glass, bill tube shown, bill vanishes and appears in tube
47 Prognostica (Danny Tong): mentalism with business cards, though sometimes you only get 2 out of 3
48 Commando ! (Danny Tong): selected card is only red card in blue deck - uses Rough & Smooth
49 The Mutilated Card (Russell Prunier): torn and restored with adhesive tape
50 Double-back Doublecross (Danny Tong): uses a gimmicked card
50 - Effect #1: selection appears face up in deck
50 - Effect #2: selection rights itself in deck and transposes with another card
Vol. 1, No. 12, April 1963
51 Crazy Huh ? (Irv Weiner): clever picture helps spectator determine selection
52 Editorium (Bill Madsen): the first year of the New Jinx, a thanks to illustrator Al Forgione
52 Hypnosis - Performers, Amateurs (Al Forgione): essay and warning against Hypnotism
52 Jinxism - No'men-cla'ture (Joseph Dunninger): card spelling
53 Dark Vision (North Bigbee): magician determines ESP designs of cards in envelopes
54 X Change (Tony Kardyro): quarter and half dollar transpose and penetrate the hand
Vol. 2, No. 13, May 1963
55 Biblical Numbers (Ace Gorham): magic addition trick
56 Editorium (Bill Madsen): Cat-A-Tonic Cocktail, Senator Crandall on criticism
56 Jinxism - Im-pröve'ment (Leslie May): variation of last month's speller
57 Paying it Safe (Ace Gorham): magician divines date/serial number of bill, which vanishes and reappears
57 ProFile: Ace Gorham biography
58 A Reverse Thought (Ace Gorham): a way to have a 2nd party determine the card selection
58 Three Way Mentalism (Ace Gorham): combo of Brain Wave deck and Rough & Smooth
58 Stop! (Ace Gorham): an easy stop card trick

Vol. 2, No. 14, June 1963
59 Witch Doctor's Ritual (Felix Greenfield): card is located with a spinner toy
60 Editorium (Madsen Bill): Felix Greenfield, Magic Circle, SAM Magicrama Show
61 Extra Special Prediction (Felix Greenfield): clever ESP force board
61 A 68 Cent Patent (Ted Annemann): a way to protect your magic secrets
62 Impossible Prediction (Felix Greenfield): clever headline prediction
62 Read my Mind ! (Felix Greenfield): magician always wins a challenge pick-up game
Vol. 2, No. 15, July 1963
62 Marlos's Fortunatas (Edward Marlo): multi-phase routines with pennies, a dime, and a penny shell
64 Editorium (Bill Madsen): Lou Tannen's 4th Jubilee in Fallsburg
64 Card Gag (Gerald Kosky): comedy card revelation
65 The Great Chain R-bbery (Larry Weeks): clever update to the linking paper clips
66 Jinxism - Hypocritical Memory (Arthur Monroe): use for a mirror glass and a stacked deck
66 Arlecchino (Danny Tong): prediction is sealed in an inflated balloon and then a case, and when burst is found to have come true
Vol. 2, No. 16, August 1963
67 True Love (Felix Greenfield): mathematical trick for couples
68 Editorium (Bill Madsen): stealing vs. variation
69 Bell Book & Candle (Felix Greenfield): a routine outline
70 Fourth Dimensional Sewing (L. Vosburgh Lyons, Stewart James): ring becomes sewn on a ribbon

Vol. 2, No. 17, September 1963
71 What the ?? (Ronnie Gann): magician knocks the pips of a card through the table
72 Editorium (Bill Madsen): Silent Mora's 79th Birthday
72 ProFile: Ronnie Gann biography
73 Jinxism - Duplex Date Reading (Charles T. Jordan): magician reads the dates of face-to-face coins
73 Coin-A-Matic (Ronnie Gann): Hoo coin vanish and reproduction
74 Matchic (Ronnie Gann): color changing knife changes to a match
74 Penetracig (Ronnie Gann): cigarette vanishes to be found in a handkerchief bundle

Vol. 2, No. 18, October 1963
75 Beyong Belief (Irv Weiner): blue card matches one of 7 red cards, and selected with faces toward audience
76 Editorium (Bill Madsen): The Unmasking of Arlecchino - Bill's name as editor revealed
76 Dark Sorcery (Albert Sidney): magician determines the marked card and a number in an envelope, and the card ends up in the envelope
77 Novel Reading (Danny Tong): a book test using vanishing ink
78 Jumbo Prediction (North Bigbee): with Jumbo ESP cards

Vol. 2, No. 19, November 1963
79 Person to Person (Leslie May): a selection made by first spectator is found by a second
80 Editorium (Bill Madsen): on reviews that could hurt the performer, should you or shouldn't you?
81 ProFile: Leslie May biography
81 It's in the Book (Leslie May): Using Gardner's Mathematics, Magic and Mystery as a force book
81 The Jinx Five-foot Shelf of Magic (Ted Annemann): a list of recommended books from 1935
82 Lucky Lips (Leslie May): a lady's lipstick helps locate a kissed card
82 This That Those (May Leslie): a "odds in your favor" book test

Vol. 2, No. 20, December 1963
83 Seasons Greetings (Bill Madsen, Al Jorgione)
84 Editorium (Bill Madsen): review of Boston I.B.M.'s First Magicana
84 Jinx Blazer (Ted Annemann): another drink mix recipe, this one flaming!
85 Hart Throbs (Arthur B. Monroe): The 4 Kings rescue the Ace of Hearts in this story trick
86 Little Theatre (Arthur B. Monroe): Story trick with the Ace of Hearts to precede the above

Vol. 2, No. 21, January 1964
87 Divining Rods (Milbourne Christopher): how to make and use them and suggested tricks
88 Editorium (Bill Madsen): on crediting, 4th Dimensional Sewing, and Annemann
89 CATnips (Larry Weeks): some tips and ideas
89 Tram Card (BB Low): one of five cards chosen is covered with a handkerchief, vanishes, and is found in pocket
90 Behind my Back (Tony Kardyro): reading messages written on business cards

Vol. 2, No. 22, February 1964
91 Lo ! A Prophet (Eddie Clever): A headline prediction
92 Editorium (Bill Madsen): on Eddie Clever
92 ProFile: Eddie Clever biography
94 7 + Psychic = Doubled (Eddie Clever): magician reveals info written by 2 spectators and duplicates the drawing of a 3rd

Vol. 2, No. 23, March 1964
95 Figure Fantasy (Jack Potter): a number prediction
96 Editorium (Bill Madsen): on predictions, and the New Holden's Magic Studio
96 Time, You & Another (Eddie Clever): a triple prediction with no cards
97 Prediction (Sid Lorraine): using Annemann's 68 cent patent for a long term prediction
98 Shadows Before (Eddie Clever): 5 Jumbo cards are eliminated to one, which matches the prediction

Vol. 2, No. 24, April 1964
99 Prophesycic (North Bigbee): Card from a blue deck matches one of 3 selections from red deck; uses 3 way force deck and a unique envelope
100 Editorium (Bill Madsen): Bigger vs. Better
100 Ribbon of Eurus (Rudy Reimer): a different cut and restored ribbon
101 Kort's 4th (Milton Kort): a version of sympathetic coins where they gather to one corner of a handkerchief
102 It's About Time (Ronnie Gann): the time randomly set on a watch matches that on a punch card

Vol. 3, No. 25, May 1964
103 Gorha Mania (Ace Gorham):
103 - A Nest of Boxes Routine
103 - Thought Waiver: spectator knowingly reveals card selection of a 2nd spectator's
103 - Mental Chapeaugraphy: idea
103 - From Ace Gorham: three selections appear on the jacket
104 Editorium (Bill Madsen): Boston Assembly #9's Magicals of 1964
105 Addendum (Max Katz): an improvement to Figure Fantasy from issue 23
105 Hindu Dream (Henry Hardin): magician names four cards picked from a hat
106 A Cue for You & a Cue for Me (Tony Kardyro - Torino): entire audience names selected card

Vol. 3, No. 26, June 1964
107 Paradiscophy (David Hoy): music record mentalism
108 Editorium (Bill Madsen): respecting the classics of magic
108 Pen Kink (Martin Gardner): gag with a vanishing borrowed pen
109 Apologia (David Hoy): essay on mentalism as entertainment
109 ???? (David Hoy): introductory stunt for a mentalism piece
110 ProFile: David Hoy biography
110 Easy Way Out (David Hoy): non-thumb writer

Vol. 3, No. 27, July 1964
111 Weiner's Sly Max Slydini (Irv Weiner): a standing version of Slydini's Balls to Hat
112 Editorium (Bill Madsen): Lou Tannen's 4th Magician's Jubilee
113 Jinxism - Bagshaw's Penetration (Arthur Bagshaw): new use for you Phantom tube in this silk vanish and reappearance in a sealed tube
114 Uno Fa Otto (Irv Weiner): complete cigar act

Vol. 3, No. 28, August 1964
115 Spectra-Ception (Paul J. Siegel): performer sees colors with his fingertips
116 The Gost of a Chance (Otis Manning): a billet forcing box and ideas for use
117 Editorium (Bill Madsen): On Annemann's death
117 Two Needles in a Haystack (Senator Montgomery F. Crowe): magician locates two reversed selections in a mixed up deck
118 Frame of Mind (Paul J. Siegel): Message cards are divined from sealed envelopes
118 Psychocolor (North Bigbee): magician tells color of cards behind his back

Vol. 3, No. 29, September 1964
119 Thoughts in Two Sizes (Leslie May): Two Jumbo cards match selections in a regular deck
120 Editorium (Bill Madsen): on women and children in magic clubs
120 Jinxism - Vanishing Wand Presentation (JA Sheterom): wand vanishes from one paper to be found in another
121 Outer Limit (Mae Forgione): another drink mix
121 Psychologia (Ken Krenzel): another use for the billet box from last issue
122 Lodestone (Arthur Monroe): a lodestone helps Junior determine a card selection

Vol. 3, No. 30, October 1964
123 Not Quite Everything About Norman's Ark (J.G. Thompson- Jr.): on the Gilbreath Principle and some uses for it
124 Editorium (Bill Madsen): letter from Walt Rollins suggesting most magic is performed in the home
125 More On (Danny Tong): another trick determining the color of cards in envelopes with the fingertips
125 Witchwood (Ken De Courcy): clever sympathetic match-sticks
125 Jinxism - Evaporato (Otto Waldmann): the coin that gets around - coin vanishes from wine glass
126 Newmann's Menetekel Deck (George Newmann): reproduction of Newmann's letter to Eddie Clever in 1949 with his version of the MeneTekel Deck
Vol. 3, No. 31, November 1964
127 Dime Transit (John Benzais): a dime ends up under the cellophane of a card case
127 Ring Transit (John Benzais): two borrowed rings transpose in the hands
128 Editorium (Bill Madsen): letter from Bob Nelson supporting mentalism
128 Your Life Your Phone (Senator Montgomery F. Crowe): mathematical trick to derive spectator's phone number
129 Jinxism - Poker Challenge (Gerald Kaufman): a poker deal game
129 Attention! Contest! (Max Katz): an Arithmetical Progression challenge
130 Super Numerary (Ken Krenzel): number divination using pencil reading

Vol. 3, No. 32, December 1964
131 Three Card Money (Arthur Monroe): a betting the odds effect
132 Editorium (Bill Madsen): review of IBM Ring 122 Magicana
133 Don't Blame the Depression If You Lack Money: a humorous advertisement from 1931
133 Jinxism - Elliott Humor (Bruce Elliott): gag with potassium nitrate
133 Solution to Arithmetical Progression (Max Katz)
134 Impromptu Mene-tekel (North Bigbee): using a new deck packed A-K in all suits

Vol. 3, No. 33, January 1965
135 J.B. Card in Wallet (John Benzais): card in any wallet
136 Editorium (Bill Madsen): errata for Impromptu Mene-Tekel; Bob Nelson's Comedy Mentalism III brief review; Johnny Benzais on magician's exposing trick decks
137 ProFile: Johnny Benzais biography
137 Five Cents for your Thoughts (John Benzais): magician determines number of times a coin lands heads or tails
138 4-D Ball Trick (John Benzais): three balls vanish and reappear

Vol. 3, No. 34, February 1965
139 Booknow (Paul Siegel): magazine test
140 Editorium (Bill Madsen): Interesting ad from Hong Kong The Wonderful Damon; on "your favorite method"
141 Two More from J. Benzais:
141 - Lapping a Card (John Benzais)
141 - The Crimped Card Location (John Benzais)
142 Extra Spectra Mental (Leslie May): a routine for E. Mellon's Spectra Mental effect

Vol. 3, No. 35, March 1965
143 Psychic Spell (Felix Greenfield): using a symbol deck, spectator spells to selection
143 Telekinesis (Felix Greenfield): cards jump from one hand to the other, revealing the selection
144 Editorium (Bill Madsen): on routines that need commercial gimmicks; Damon; quick book reviews Hades' Mentalistrix and David Hoy's Psychic and Other ESP Party Games; and a letter from Bob Nelson
145 Die-abolical Concept (Felix Greenfield): a dice stacking routine
145 The Time Will Come (Felix Greenfield): time is printed from a wrist-watch
145 One Finger One Hand Right Hand Billet Switch (Felix Greenfield): used in above routine
146 Certificate of Appreciation (Bill Madsen): to be provided to any contributors to the New Jinx

Vol. 3, No. 36, April 1965
147 Vates Sacer (Paul Siegel): owner of each postage stamp is identified
148 Editorium (Bill Madsen): on criticism in the IBM
148 ProFile: Paul Siegel biography
149 Mystery of Eleusis (Paul Siegel): chosen card is predicted in an envelope on a stand
150 Talismans of Pelazon (Paul Siegel): tags placed by magician on a board match those of the spectator

Vol. 4, No. 37, May 1965
151 Out of my Control (Harry Lorayne): spectator deals to his selection apparently without and coercion; with outs
152 Editorium (Bill Madsen): reivew of The Annual Boston Magirama
154 The Real Secret of Peeling Cards (John Benzais): on making double face or double back cards
154 Stranger Interlude (North Bigbee): a new deck "stranger card" routine

Vol. 4, No. 38, June 1965
155 Ydalir (Max Katz): location control with associated routine
156 Editorium (Bill Madsen): on the death of Max Katz; errata for Stranger Interlude from previous issue; on Damon; etc.
157 Sandstorm (John Benzais): another contest puzzle
157 Assassination (Jesse J. Langston, Jr): Idea for a murder mystery mentalism trick
158 Propelled Lapping (Edward Marlo & Carmen D'Amico): from 1952
Vol. 4, No. 39, July 1965
159 ESPell (Leslie May): spelling to selected ESP card
160 Editorium (Bill Madsen): a car crash, Lou Tannen's 6th Magician's Jubilee, etc.
161 ...To a Memory (Leslie May): first part in a series on a biography of Theodore Annemann
161 CATnips (Joseph White): eight tips and uses for double side tape
161 Silksation (Damon): a form of Grandmother's Necklace for stage using tape and silks

Vol. 4, No. 40, August 1965
163 Christopher on Blind Folds (Milbourne Christopher):
163 - Design Duplication
163 - Headline Vision
163 - Walking the Chalk Line
163 - Sharpshooting
163 - Blindfold Construction
164 Editorium (Bill Madsen): on last month's cover; more on Tannen's Jubilee
165 ...To a Memory (Leslie May): 2nd installment of the Annemann biography
166 Nuchromancy (Richard Koester): prediction of number of reds and blacks and how many cards taken with a Laurie Ireland shuffle
166 On the Mat (Larry Weeks): clever sucker card revelation
Vol. 4, No. 41, September 1965
167 ESP Mania - Where the Action Is (Danny Tong): with an ESP Commando Deck; rough & smooth red & blue backed deck, with multiple phases
168 Editorium (Bill Madsen): letter from Fu Manchu (Dave Bambert) on a book about the family; controversy of kid magicians and exposures
168 Questioneer (Danny Tong): impromptu message reading
169 ...To a Memory (Leslie May): continuing biography of Ted Annemann
169 ESPeriments (Danny Tong): two quick experiments that don't always work
169 Thumb Nail Sketches (Danny Tong): two quick tricks - nail-writer business card number prediction
170 Telecodes (Danny Tong): simple two person code using a paper clip
170 ESP Stop (Danny Tong): ESP cards until spectator says stop; stopped at card matches prediction; uses gimmicked ESP deck
Vol. 4, No. 42, October 1965
171 Bennu (Joseph White): magician choses one of many colored discs and spectator chooses another - they match although spectator thought they wouldn't
172 Editorium (Bill Madsen): response to Fulves' article on the Annemann series; recommendation for Ned Rutledge & J.G. Thompson Jr.s Card Party; new edition of Hay's Amatuer Magician's Handbook
172 ProFile: Joseph White biography
173 ..To a Memory (Leslie May): continuing biography of Ted Annemann
173 Tape Palmed Billet (Joseph White): another use for double-sided tape
174 Tagliostro (Joseph White): a key tag is magically placed on a needle and obtains the value of a selected card
174 Cutting Odds Down (Joseph White): improving the odds with an old card gag
Vol. 4, No. 43, November 1965
175 Macabre Madness (Eddie Clever): a living or dead test for large audiences
176 Editorium (Bill Madsen): Mark Jacobs' idea for an ending to Max Katz' Ydalir; Phil Goldstein's Sealed Up Sarahara With Sand
177 ..To a Memory (Leslie May): continuing biography of Ted Annemann
177 Mysterear (Ronnie Gann): using a listening device to gain intelligence for mentalism act
178 Command (North Bigbee): spectator counts down to a card in a blue deck, and magician follows in a red deck, and the cards match
178 Slam Bang Card (Joseph White): deck thrown against wall and selection sticks
Vol. 4, No. 44, December 1965
179 The Cut Back (Arthur Monroe): the spectator becomes a card cutting master
180 Editorium (Bill Madsen): The end of the Phoenix
180 Wizzard's Wassail (Damon): drink mix
181 ..To a Memory (Leslie May): continuing biography of Ted Annemann
181 Living Color (Paul Siegel): a living and dead test using passed out calling cards
182 Predicta Pop (Jesse J. Langston, Jr.): a six pack prediction
Vol. 4, No. 45, January 1966
183 Dominating Dice (Paul Marcus): three dice help locate a card selection
184 Editorium (Bill Madsen): review of the Boston IBM Ring 122 Magicana
185 ..To a Memory (Leslie May): continuing biography of Ted Annemann
185 A Mental Effect for the Card Men (Tony Kardyro): Mentalist and spectator write the same thing on calling cards
186 Buried Pleasure (Harvey Rosenthal): magician reveals a number written on a card in a pack in an envelope
Vol. 4, No. 46, February 1966
187 Stabbed in the Pack (John Benzais): 3 of Clubs thrown at deck and finds the selection
187 Editorium (Bill Madsen): on Karl Fulves and credits; Sorcar the World's Greatest Magician
189 ..To a Memory (Leslie May): continuing biography of Ted Annemann
189 Invisible Dice (Ace Gorham): a reversed card matches the value of thrown invisible dice
190 Back'n Blue (Earl Harvey): version of the color changing card
Vol. 4, No. 47, March 1966
191 Brain Storm (Paul Siegel): card selection is predicted beforehand
192 Editorium (Bill Madsen): on the difficulty of Stabbed in the Pack
192 Solus Intra Percet (Paul Siegel): two person code to select one of three items
193 ..To a Memory (Leslie May): continuing biography of Ted Annemann
193 Fourthought (Paul Siegel): spectator thinks of selection in a fan, one card removed, it is the selection
194 Booknow II (Paul Siegel): book test
Vol. 4, No. 48, April 1966
195 The Probable Winner (Tony Kardyro): horse race win using an approach to the center tear
196 Editorium (Bill Madsen): Duke Stern, bringing laymen to closed meetings
196 The Mating Game (Phil Goldstein): Queen and King end up face up in the deck
196 Crystal Dazer (Jesse Langston): clever addition to Mcathy's Insurance Policy Trick
197 ..To a Memory (Leslie May): continuing biography of Ted Annemann
197 Glide-iator (Fernandes Steve): helper card becomes the selection and helps find another
198 Immiscibilite (Danny Tong): oil and water in three phases
Vol. 5, No. 49, May 1966
199 Juggler & the Black Magician (Tony Shiels): spectator's selection found between the two Tarot cards, which are put in one of several envelopes and magically selected by spectator
200 Editorium (Bill Madsen): Fritz Kobayashi's birthday cake; Tony Shiels; Dave Hoy
200 ProFile: Tony Shiels biography
201 ..To a Memory (Leslie May): continuing biography of Ted Annemann
201 The Sorcerer's Signature (Tony Shiels): names of necromancers are burnt, except for the selection
201 The Illustrated Man (Tony Shiels): selection is tatoo'd on the arm
202 Zaggathir (Tony Shiels): a small skull locates the card selection by chattering its jaw
Vol. 5, No. 50, June 1966
203 Nightmares (Tony Shiels): spectator picks same nightmare as magician
204 Editorium (Bill Madsen): response to Stabbed in the Pack by J. Benzais and Harry Lorayne
205 ..To a Memory (Leslie May): continuing biography of Ted Annemann
206 The Monkey's Paw (Tony Shiels): a real monkey's paw appears on top of a selection
206 Xyddatha (Tony Shiels): spectator's Tarot card selection is predicted
Vol. 5, No. 51, July 1966
207 L'espionne (Stuart Cramer): selection is found by an electronic box, and ends up folded inside
208 Editorium (Bill Madsen): review of SAM Magicrama
209 ..To a Memory (Leslie May): continuing biography of Ted Annemann
209 Op & Down (Phil Goldstein): clever card revelation with a crystal cylinder
210 Chosen Mate (Chandler L. Mason): Wife and husband select the same girl
Vol. 5, No. 52, August 1966
211 Beatrick ! (Leslie May): four spectators select four envelopes whose contents match their rock singer selection
212 Editorium (Bill Madsen): magic sets for new subscriptions; G.A. Briggs Ltd. Puzzle Book; Howard Schwarzman visit
213 ..To a Memory (Leslie May): continuing biography of Ted Annemann
214 Tricky Turtles (Joseph White): three turtles produced as final cups & balls loads reveal 3 selections
214 Follow-up to Transit Dime (John Benzais): dime is pulled out from under the cellophane
Vol. 5, No. 53, September 1966
215 Magic for Intellectuals (Roy Fromer):
215 - Fire & Ice (Roy Fromer): hand catches fire and comes out of water bowl with a piece of ice
215 - Shattering Glass (Roy Fromer with Claude Soucie): a glass shatters in a bag
216 Editorium (Bill Madsen): Bill's trip to the Abbott's Get-Together
217 ..To a Memory (Leslie May): continuing biography of Ted Annemann
217 Poor Man's Stabbed in the Pack (Tony Shiels): Tony's approach to make the stabbing easier
218 Brobdingnagian (Paul Marcus): named card from audience is missing from pack and found in a hanging envelope
Vol. 5, No. 54, October 1966
219 Annemann's 55 Cent Card Memory (Ted Annemann): magician can read off order of 1/2 pack
220 Editorium: burnt fingers; correction to James Rainho catalog; arriving at Abbott's Get-Together
221 Annemann Does a Blindfold Walk (Eddie Clever): a photo collage
222 Annemann's Diabolo Pellet Brading (Ted Annemann): pellet reading
Vol. 5, No. 55, November 1966
224 Will the Real Stabbed in the Pack Please Stand Up ! (Harry Lorayne): Harry's original version
224 Editorium (Bill Madsen): after Abbott's Get-Together; Ireland's Magic Shop
226 Mentally Matched (Tony Kardyro): spectator takes card and deck put back in case; magician writes card on a slate, and they match
226 Stripsation (North Bigbee): magician finds 3 selections using a stripper deck
Vol. 5, No. 56, December 1966
227 The Professor (Arthur): Comedy card routine
228 Editorium (Bill Madsen): Germain the Wizard by Stuart Cramer; 5 Micro-Mental Programs by Joseph White
228 Eve's Delight: a drink mix
229 CATnips (Joseph M. White): Using double sided tape for ESP card prediction, card change, mentalist utility bag
229 Psychic Relation (Damon - Bill Madson & Leslie May): Assistant determines color of card in an envelope
230 Letter About Damon (Leslie May)

Vol. 5, No. 57, January 1967
231 My Word (Eddie Clever): book test
232 Editorium (Bill Madsen): Stylesmith effect almost not published; IBM Ring 122 Show Review; Gary Moore TV Magic Extravaganza Review
233 CATnips (Joseph M. White): Methods for positive creative work; idea for Bank Night and ESP prediction; some promotion ideas
233 An Effect from Tom Evans (Tom Evans): A coin is passed through the back of the neck into the mouth
234 Signed Sealed and... (Stylesmith): prediction made in advance matches bill serial number
234 The Lady is a Joker (Steve Fernandes): a packet trick version of Find the Lady or 3 Card Monte
Vol. 5, No. 58, February 1967
235 Secret of Gordius 1 (John Benzais): Multi-phase rope routine
236 Editorium (Bill Madsen): Endire issue is dedicated to this one routine
Vol. 5, No. 59, March 1967
239 Quest of Canoré (Paul Siegel): Two person blackboard code for determining object selected
240 Editorium (Bill Madsen): Tony Shiels recommended Bob read JRR Tolkien's Lord of the Rings trilogy, and Bob's review
241 CATnips (Joseph M. White): Creative Ideation Game - way to generate ideas
241 The Hemp Eater (Roy Fromer): two "hemp" cords are chewed on and become one, with a scorpion hanging in the middle!
242 It's Been a Card Day's Night (Phil Goldstein): prediction matches selection, using a blank backed deck and a double facer
242 Bare Faced (Ronnie Gann): all cards are blank except the selection - using a blank faced deck
Vol. 5, No. 60, April 1967
243 The Coin of Kibil-Nala (Joseph White): a marked coin vanishes from one hand to be found in the other, both hands covered with handkerchiefs
244 Editorium (Bill Madsen): 13 !!! By Tony Shiels review
244 A Tip on Hip (Felix Greenfield): idea for getting instructions to a hypnosis stooge
245 Baldpate Revisited (Tony Shiels): Magician finds only key to open a lock in a bag of a dozen keys
245 XNIJ (Tony Shiels): Spectator cuts at only card that has printed on it "You Will Cut Here"
246 Tele Coincidence (Danny Tong): Magician and spectator select words from two different books and they match
246 Triangle Book Test (Danny Tong): using a stooge
Vol. 6, No. 61, May 1967
247 Mutare (Phil Goldstein): Magician's and Spectator's card selections transpose
247 Take 5 (Phil Goldstein): a paper circle is burnt and appears in the deck next to the selection
248 Editorium (Bill Madsen): Reply to Ace Gorham's article on performing in magic clubs
248 ProFile: Phil Goldstein
249 The Little Palmed Card that Wasn't (Phil Goldstein): red deck turns blue
249 Cutting Odds Down Cigarette Style (Phil Goldstein): Addition to Joe White's Cutting Odds Down
249 Piper (Phil Goldstein): follow up to Out of this World card trick
250 At the Stake (Phil Goldstein): Living and Dead test where living paper doesn't burn
250 Concentration Conception (Phil Goldstein): comedy card revelation
Vol. 6, No. 62, June 1967
251 Jinx-in at ft. Cornwall: fake headline
252 Editorium (Bill Madsen): Responses to Ace Gorham's article; Letter from Clayton Rawson; errata for Phil Goldstein's Take 5 from last issue
253 CATnips (Joseph M. White): more on the Creative Ideation Game
253 Tic Tac Toc Magic (Earl Keyser): Conclusion of a game of tic-tac-toe ends in a Magic Square
254 You Find One ! (David Bornstein): selected card has blue back from red deck, then changes to normal, and blue backed selection is in pocket
254 Ad-denda (Paul Siegel): a Want-Ad test
Vol. 6, No. 63, July 1967
255 NY - Not Yet (Roy Fromer): a clever revelation using two 35mm slides
255 NYC - The Fun City (Roy Fromer): using the flap slate principle with 35mm slides
255 NYCT - Nicked (Roy Fromer): Magician identifies one of five 35mm slides while blindfolded
256 Editorium (Bill Madsen): announcement of The New Jinx ending with the April 1968 issue
256 ProFile: Roy Fromer
257 She (Roy Fromer): story of mystery around burning sugar
257 Stilts (Roy Fromer): story of stilt-walkers around identifying matches
258 The Tale of Count Magnus (Roy Fromer): a ghost story to use with a gimmick-box where the hand comes out and closes the door
Vol. 6, No. 64, August 1967
259 The Fever (Earl Keyser): a number is burnt into a cigarette paper that matches that of a thrown die
259 Adytum (Tony Kardyro): Joker finds two predicted cards
260 Editorium (Bill Madsen): more on the ending of the New Jinx; the Boston SAM convention
261 CATnips (Joseph M. White): on creativity and a challenge
261 The Authentic Method of Spirit Rapping Baby! (Roy Fromer): using isometrics
262 4 From Steve Fernandes:
262 Captured (Steve Fernandes): two reversed cards find selection
262 Reciprocity (Steve Fernandes): a reversed card and a reversed selection transpose between the Aces
262 Penard (Steve Fernandes): gimmicking a clear-barreled pen for a paddle-move card revelation
262 Easy Card Rise (Steve Fernandes): a mechanical way to get the selection to pop out of the deck
Vol. 6, No. 65, September 1967
263 Three Experiments in the Old Art of Hell Raising:
263 Night of the Demon (Tony Shiels): producing a strange fire, a noise, and a demon's face in the dark
263 Red Devil (Tony Shiels): an image appears and vanishes on a card
264 Editorium (Bill Madsen): Exposure of Ted Serios in Popular Mechanics; J.G. Thompson & Ned Rutledge Between Two Minds review; SAM Convention review
265 CATnips (Joseph M. White): prediction card and JS transpose between deck and a box
266 Hobgoblin (Tony Shiels): a goblin appears in the dark
Vol. 6, No. 66, October 1967 - The Mirror Issue (printed backward)
267 Tres Ingenu (Joseph White): a magazine test
268 Editorium (Bill Madsen): on the Mirror Issue, and a review of Johnny Carson's magic
269 Memo (WR Harding): on copper or gold plating a coin
270 Irv's Bill Tear (Irv Weiner): a bill switch shown in diagrams
Vol. 6, No. 67, November 1967
271 Psychic Princess 1 (Danny Tong): stopped at ESP card matches one taken by magician, two methods
272 Editorium (Bill Madsen): Reaction to Mirror Issue; motives for getting into magic
272 Telekinetic Perception (Danny Tong): Telekinesis with a stacked ESP deck
273 CATnips (Joeseph M. White): solution to cheese challenge by John Howie
273 Spectator ESP (Danny Tong): ESP cards chosen from face up and face down ESP decks match; uses gimmicked decks
274 Magic vs ESP (Danny Tong): Chosen ESP symbol discovered by spelling
274 Odd Men Out (Danny Tong): John Scarne's Triple Coincidence using a specially constructed ESP deck
Vol. 6, No. 68, December 1967
275 The Creatitudes (Joseph White): A version of the Beatitudes applied to creativity
276 Editorium (Bill Madsen): On putting together an issue; on Danny Tong; Letter from Arthur Monroe; Joseph White
276 The Santa Sleeper (Al Forgione): a drink mix
277 Effects Using the Commando (Danny Tong): using the Command Deck from March 1963 issue
277 Commando (Danny Tong): the Commando Deck reprinted
277 Effect #1: Using a Commando Deck and a 2nd Deck, selected card from red deck ends up with blue back to match missing card from blue deck
277 Effect #2: another version
277 Two Pins & the Kerchief (Danny Tong): the old safety pin pulled along a Handkerchief trick enhanced with a gimmiced pin from the linking safety pin set
278 Spelldown (Arthur Monroe): a two phase card spelling
Vol. 6, No. 69, January 1968
279 Charon's Fare (Earl Harvey): an approach to the vanished coin in box trick
280 Editorium (Bill Madsen): More on amateur vs. pro; a hypnosis meeting; club membership
281 CATnips (Joseph White): keeping notebooks
282 Magic Spell (Paul Marcus): a spelling card trick
282 Ace Thru Five, Five Thru Ace (Steve Fernandes): Ace through Five put down, but reverse order
Vol. 6, No. 70, February 1968
283 Dabbling with Daub (Irv Weiner): sources, accessing daub, applying it, the spectator does the work, and tips
284 Editorium (Bill Madsen): renewing old effects
285 CATnips (Joseph P. White): Phil Goldstein's solution to the Cheese problem
Vol. 6, No. 71, March 1968
287 Eight to Remember (Joseph White): simple two person code card mentalism routine
288 Editorium (Bill Madsen): on the editorial use of "we" and not naming names; Controversy around Harris Solomon's satire piece in another magazine
289 CATnips (Joseph White): some off-beat methods for the Bill in Lemon
290 Book Test a la Carte (Joseph White): three cards select a page for a book test
290 Which Hand ? (Joseph White): billet reading
Vol. 6, No. 72, April 1968 - Final Issue!
291 The DT Blinfold (Danny Tong): Danny reveals his blindfold technique
293 Editorium (Bill Madsen): Many thanks, especially to Al Forgione for his artwork
294 Drinking Song (Tony Shiels): a song
295 CATnips (Joseph White): tongue-in-cheek everyday uses for the Walsh Appearing Cane & a fake finger
295 Poof ! (David Hoy): small circled dots on a paper vanish in a poof
296 Perception in Prose (Leslie May): a reaond on ESP helps determine which ESP card was chosen


One of the hottest areas in magic today is mentalism, and one of the major sources for the best mentalism ever published has been out of print for two decades: THE NEW JINX.

The sequel to Ted Annemann's classic Jinx magazine was published from 1962 to 1968 and contains over 300 pages of amazing mentalism. Ray Goulet's Magic Art Book Company edition 1987, with an introduction by Tony Andruzzi.

Pages 296 - Hardbound w/ Dust Jacket
Product Details
No. of Pages 296
Height x Width 11.0 x 9.0  inch
Personal Details
Read It No
Location Home Magic Library
Condition Near Mint
Owner Bryan-Keith Taylor
New Jinx, The by Bill Madsen

Publisher: Kaufman and Company
Location: Washington DC, USA
Date: 1987
Pages: 296
Layout: 9"x11", hardbound