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Super Prediction Tricks
Nelson, Robert
Nelson Enterprises (1959)
In Collection
Magic tricks
Softcover, comb-bound 
Nelson, Robert A. & E.J. Moore: Super Prediction Tricks
©1959 Robert Nelson, Nelson Enterprises
Softcover, comb-bound, 8x10", 55 pages

Comments: Over 20 separate prediction stunts

Contents (from book ToC):

2 Preface
5 Introduction (John Braun)
8 Author’s Pertinent Remarks
10 Library Book Prediction
11 Mephisto Tube Prediction
12 Coincidence in Numbers
13 Prediction in Envelope
14 Fantasy in Numbers
16 Amaz-U Prediction
17 Sealed and Locked Prophecy
20 Swami Secret Prediction
22 Dr. C Slate Prediction
24 Simplified Slate Prediction
25 A1 Baker Slate Prediction
26 Attaboy or Puppet Prediction
28 Biddy the Mindreading Chick
31 Brain Wave Prediction
32 Prediction Ala Mirror Glass
35 Author's Comments
36 Registered Letter Prediction
37 Challenge Letter Prediction
43 Loaf of Bread Prediction
45 Bottle of Milk Prediction
46 Nelson Prediction Chest
47 E.J. Moore's Prediction
48 Inexpensive Prediction Chest
49 Nest of Boxes Prediction
49 Study in Showmanship

Publicity is the lifestream of modern show business, and Super Prediction Tricks are proven top notch publicity getters. Properly executed, they are the easily arranged and assured method of getting sensational publicity worth thousands of dollars!

This book of predictions and sensational showmanship has been eagerly accepted and highly praised by members of the profession. What mortal man can predict, with unfailing accuracy, events in the future? Events such as the exact number of stock and bond sales for a future date, the exact outcome of sporting events, court decisions, elections and the future actions of legitimate spectators!

Twenty-three Super Prediction Tricks are presented in detail. You need no expensive apparatus. Also included is commentary on showmanship, staging, and presentation. It tells how to DO the predictions and how to GET the publicity and cash in on it.
Product Details
No. of Pages 55
Personal Details
Read It No
Location Magic Library (Home) Shelf R
Condition Very Fine
Owner Bryan-Keith Taylor