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The Magic Menu "Years 1 - 5" - The International Journal for Professional Restaurant and Bar Magicians
Sisti, Jim
L & L Publishing
In Collection
Magic tricks
USA  eng
Sisti, Jim (editor): The Magic Menu—The First Five Years
(or Years 1 Through 5 as reprinted)
©1990 - 1995 Jim Sisti; Metempirical Magic, MA;
©1998 hardback bound version published by L&L Publishing
Design & Composition by Andrew Pinard
400 Pages

Comments: In 1990 Jim Sisti began "The Magic Menu", a magazine geared for the restaurant and bar performer. Each issue included tips, stories, product reviews, and effects all oriented toward restaurant, bar, and strolling magic. This type of magic must pack small, easily reset, and often play for family audiences, though some of the effect for bars are certainly adults only. The magazine has been republished both as individual year volumes (year one, year two, etc.) and as two hardbound books by L&L Publishing, one containing years 1-5 and the other years 6-10. There was also one final book made called "The Final Four", including the last four editions of the magazine. These books are highly recommended for any magician interested in close-up magic, not just for restaurant magicians, as the tips, essays, and tricks will certainly apply to other venues as well.

Note: Year One has Forewords by: Eric DeCamps, David Acer, and Neal Prete

vii Foreword (Michael Ammar)
ix Introduction (Jim Sisti)
1 The Magic Menu—The First Five Years
The Magic Menu Year One
1 September/October 1990, Issue 1
1 Welcome!: about the Magic Menu
1 Editorial (Jim Sisti): on the glut of magic books with not very good contents
2 Taking Tips: The Pros and Cons discussed
2 Handling Unruly Spectators: advice
3 Books - The Essential Library for the Working Pro: a discussion of classic works valuable to the restaurant/bar worker
4 Reviews: Close Up Illusions (Gary Ouellet); Magical Arts Journal Special Issue - Aspen Bar Magic (Michael Ammar); Impossibilia (John Bannon); Misled (Tim Wenk); Dollar Monte (John Kennedy); Hollyweird (Christopher)
6 Tricks of the Trade
6 Transmutation (Jim Sisti): during a bill switch, the spectator's high value bill changes to a $1, but all is okay as the spectator's bill is found in a purse on the table
7 Picks A Card (Chris Hurlbert & Neal Prete): spectator's selection is found with the aid of a Guitar Pick
8 Behind Bars (Chris Hurlbert): Pros, Cons, and tips for working behind a bar

9 November/December 1990, Issue 2
9 Why Does a Restaurant Need a Magician? (Jim Sisti): useful to provide to restaurant management...
9 Editorial: the universal language of Magic
10 Restaurant Magic for Children: suggestions for effects suitable for children
11 The Best Videos for the Working Pros: discussion of good videos with magic suitable for restaurant/bar work
12 Reviews: 7 Secrets (JC Wagner); Professional Close-Up (Leo Behnke); Small World (Chris Hurlbert & Neal Prete); The Remarkable Mister Gigwits (Schuyler Irish); The Creeps (Ben Harris); The Radar Deck (Richard Osterlind)
14 Tricks of the Trade
14 Changeling Cards (Skip Sansoucie): two blank cards (face and back) change into replicas of two selections and then revert back (examinable)
15 E-Z Copper-Silver Purse Transposition (Skip Sansoucie): Copper coin is placed in a purse; Silver coin in the spectator's hand. Coins transpose.
15 Ambitious Card Finale (Skip Sansoucie): selection is clearly placed in middle of deck, yet appears on top of the rubber-banded deck (requires a half-pass)
16 Behind Bars (Chris Hurlbert): dealing with spills, natural bar items for magic, and a quickie by Billy McComb with a matchbook and a Swizzle Stick
17 January/February 1991, Issue 3
17 Hanging On To Your Job: tips on staying employed and promoting your business
17 Editorial: the know-it-all magician
18 Landing Your First Restaurant Job!: a longer editorial
19 Ask the Only (Al the Only): introduction to Al Ulman, Jr.'s new column
20 New Magic & Book Reviews: Ring Flight (Allan Sherer); Nomen Omen (David Acer); Focus book (Phil Goldstein); Top Secret Stuff book (Mike Powers); The Plots Thicken (David Acer); Art of Hopping Tables book (Mark Leveridge)
22 Tricks of the Trade
22 The Camera Never Lies (David Acer): A use for your FISM Flash while taking a "picture" of the selected card with the deck
23 Transposition Ring Flight (David Acer): David's handling of the reel-version Ring Flight with an approach to making it safe!
24 Thanks: a thank-you call-out to many who have helped the Magic Menu
25 March/April 1991, Issue 4
25 The Ten Commandments of Restaurant Magic: rules to follow
26 The Guru Speaks! A Brief Conversation with Eugene Burger: a one page interview
27 Ask the Only (Al the Only): on keeping your job, and on handling children and their parents
27 Editorial: on the so-called prohibition against "Public Performance" in Bruce Cervon's "Ultra Cervon"
28 Strengthening Your Magic - Get Their Attention ...And Keep It!: how to engage your audience
29 New Magic & Book Reviews: Detectives (Laurence Levy); Holey Terror II (Michael Powers); Spare Change (David Acer); Mark of the Pirate (Joe Gattis); ESPecially WILD (Paul Hallas); Auto Suggestion (Bob Ostin); Fly-Ring (Mark Leveridge); Encore 3 book (Michael Ammar); Trend Setters book (Harry Lorayne); Spectacle book (Stephen Minch); 100% Sankey book (Richard Kaufman)
32 Tricks of the Trade
32 Torn (Tabby Crabb): a simple & direct torn and restored card routine suitable for restaurant work
32 Nose to Nose (Neal Prete): magician determines which "clown nose card" the spectator has selected
33 E-Z Coin Matrix (Skip Sansoucie): an approach using two halves, an English penny, and a C/S coin
34 20th Century String (Jim Sisti): Two strings are tied together and placed in an envelope. Another colored string vanishes, and is now found tied between the two other strings!
35 Spot the Dot (Chris Hurlbert): spectator's card is found with the aid of "Spot the Dot", a sponge ball. Card ends up with a red spot on it.
36 Behind Bars (Chris Hurlbert): some suggestions for "ordinary object" magic for the bar magician, with a tip not to get plastic cards because of their poor handling.
37 May/June 1991, Issue 5
37 A Philosophy of Magic (Michael Close): editorial
38 About Audience Management (Michael Close): good advice
38 About Michael Close: a short biography
39 Psychic Entertainment Well Done (Bruce Rudolph): on Bruce's putting away of his cups & balls and entering into "psychic" entertainment
40 Ask the Only (Al the Only): on the Art of magic
41 In Memoriam - Heba Haba Al (Max Maven): short biography; Heba Haba Al died in Feb, 1990
42 New Magic & Book Review: Reverse Osmosis (Chris Moore); Professional Magician's Signed Card to Wallet (Mark Leveridge); Pickpocket (David Acer); T.D.C. Utility Holdout (Dan Tong); Tricked and Tricked Again (Kirk Charles); Restaurant and Table Magic (Dan Tong); Get Top Dollar Working Family Restaurants (Brian Flora); Gary Kurtz' Unexplainable Acts (Richard Kaufman)
44 Tricks of the Trade
44 Waxed (Charles Greene): Gypsy Thread routine using a box of Dental Floss
45 The Leather-Clad Stranger (David Acer, Jim Sisti): a card to wallet routine for a Balducci/Kaps style wallet, although it could be adapted for a Mullica wallet as well
46 IMP.R.E.S.*SIVE Card Revelation - Pain-Relieving Extra Strength (Eric DeCamps): Signed selection appears folded up inside an aspirin tin
47 Four-Bit Advice (Doc Eason): have 50-cent pieces in the Bar cash register
48 Behind Bars (Chris Hurlbert): lemon under napkin gag; The Ghost Martini
49 July/August 1991, Issue 6: A Special Ray Mertz Issue!
49 Some Views on Close-Up Magic (Ray Mertz): tips on performing
50 At the Bar (Ray Mertz): recommendation for J.C. Wagner's video, Tabman close up table
51 Impressions: What Do You Portray? A Philosophy On Promotional Communication (O'Malley): on professional appearance
52 Ask the Only (Al the Only): Why work at a restaurant?
53 Thinking On Your Feet - Thoughts on Strolling Magic (Scott Wells): suggestions for effects and a comparison to restaurant magic
54 New Magic & Book Reviews: Lin's Leap (Alexander Y. Lin); Animated Card Rise (Christopher Tracy); Key-Volution (Mark Leveridge); Golden Rainbow Stick (Keith Walker); The Very Best Yet Commercial Close Up and Stand Up Magic Book (Dan Fleshman); The Commercial Magic of Dan Fleshman video; Rocky Mountain Magic! video (Doc Eason); Workers Number One (Michael Close)
56 Tricks of the Trade
56 Yankee Doodle (Ray Mertz): selection found while spectator sings Yankee Doodle
56 All Wild (Ray Mertz): a deck is found to be cut, literally, in half. A selection is made from each half, but they don't match. Jumbo card prediction, however, matches both halves! Cut deck is found to have all blanks in one half and all wild color backs in the other.
57 Easy Multiple Spellbound Plus! (Ray Mertz): three halves change one at a time to copper coins, which then change into Chinese coins
58 Commercial Insurance (Ray Mertz): a presentation for the Magician's Insurance Policy effect
58 Mirror Twist (Ray Mertz): One at a time, four cards in a packet turn face down, then the backs change from red to blue, then to mirror backs
60 Behind Bars (Chris Hurlbert): on "enticement"; some thank you's, and a couple of requests
The Magic Menu Year Two Sep 91 - Aug 92
61 Foreword: Michael Ammar
61 September/October 1991, Issue 7
61 Making Your Personal Mark (Jim Sisti): an essay on figuring out who you want to be
62 At the Bar (Ray Mertz): the Signed Card on the Window (Outside) explained
63 The Antagonistic Audience Member (Scott Wells): and approaches to handling them
64 Ask the Only (Al the Only): how long will a restaurant gig last?
65 The Business of Bits (Mark Leveridge): three "gags" to break the ice - Thumbs Up gag; The Shrinking Cigarette; Give Him a Hand
66 New Magic & Book Reviews: The Complete Works of Shake-Sphere (Neal Prete); Utopia Card Frame (Mark Leveridge); Top Drop (Shigeo Futagawa); Close-Up Connivery Video (Dan Garrett); Card to Wallet - The Book (Jerry Mentzer); Challenge Magic! Video (Richard Osterlind); How to Master Booking Shows Over the Phone (Bill Hall)
68 Tricks of the Trade
68 Walk Around Malini Egg Bag (Dan Tong): using the Malini Egg Bag, blown egg, and with an optional glass of liquid production ending
70 Cheap Labour (David Acer): resetting packet routine in which a stick man finds the selection
72 Behind Bars (Chris Hurlbert): The demise of The Forks Hotel, some alternatives to restaurants for getting paid
73 November/December 1991, Issue 8
73 First Impressions (David Acer): making a good first impression
74 Full Contact (David Acer): While introducing himself at the table, the magician reaches up to his "itchy" eye, and a pair of eyeglasses fall out
75 At the Bar (with Ray Mertz): routine by Gary Ward - the value and suit of a selection appear on a "good luck" coin that was previously shown to be blank
76 The Sweetest Sound (Scott Wells): remembering and using spectator's names
77 Ask the Only (Al the Only): how to handle slow nights
78 New Magic & Book Reviews: Beta Wallet (Eric Mason); E Pluribus Unum (Timothy Wenk); Supa-Rings (Roy Johnson); Workers Number Two (Michael Close); Life Savers (Michael Weber); Classic Renditions Vol 3 Video (Michael Ammar)
80 Tricks of the Trade
80 Sweet and Low (Richard Osterlind): a packet of Sweet 'N Low® is signed, torn open, and the contents and wrapper poured into the magician's fist. All is then restored and the packet given to the spectator. (TT)
81 Walk Around Impromptu Mental Epic (Timothy Wenk): clever way to add some comedy while also presenting a mystifying mind reading presentation during your regular performance
81 Brat Reflection (Neal Prete): a comedy card trick suitable for children in which the selection is finally found under a mirror
82 Low-Budget Spirit Photos (Jim Sisti): using a Himber wallet to collect the spectator's thought of a selected card
84 Behind Bars (Chris Hurlbert): on Stan Allan's MAGIC magazine; a bit on bar bets
85 January/February 1992, Issue 9
85 Hospitality How To's (Dan Garrett): Some thoughts relating to the Hospitality Suite Entertainer
86 A Note From the Editor (Jim Sisti): on a complaint of a bad review appearing in The Magic Menu
87 Dress for Success! (Scott Wells): looking the part
88 Ask the Only (Al the Only): How do I get started and What do I need?
89 At the Bar (Ray Mertz): a few pointers about bar magic, and "Two Coin Quickies" from "The Close Up Magic of Ray Mertz"
90 New Magic & Book Reviews: The Ring Competition (Mark Leveridge); Schindler's Pen (George Schindler); Opium Coins (Ronald J. Dayton); Clip On Table (McMagic Company); Smoke and Mirrors (John Bannon); Tricks of the Imagination (Robert Neale); Real Secrets of Close Up Magic Video (Eugene Burger)
92 Tricks of the Trade
92 Copper/Silver My Way (Marc DeSouza): uses one copper, one silver, one C/S, and a coin purse
93 Forget Me Not (David Acer): a signature magically appears on a playing card which is given away along with your business card
94 Dollar Offsp"ring" (Rich Hennessey): a dollar bill ring is produced from a rolled up dollar bill
95 Close Up For Kids (Jim Hoy): idea about making a Hat Tear using the restaurant's logo
96 Behind Bars (Chris Hurlbert): thoughts on working nightclubs; some routine ideas with a jumbo coin and rubber ear; using fire, and other thoughts
97 March/April 1992, Issue 10
97 A Volunteer From the Table (Jim Kleefeld): handling volunteers
98 The Magic Menu Awards: for Best New Books, Best New Effects, Best New Videos, and Person of the Year
99 Tax Planning for the Professional Magician (Mercer Helms): financial advice
100 Talkin' Magic (Kirk Charles): making conversation with your audience about magic
101 Ask the Only (Al the Only): mini review of Michael Close's Workers 1 & 2 books (highly favorable!)
101 At the Bar (Ray Mertz): explains Karl Norman's Carnival Loop Routine (Endless Chain) from his book Here's How book
102 New Magic and Book Reviews: Lipstick (Tony Binarelli); The Eternal Light (Al Cohen); Four Card Monte (Bob King); Card Craft (J.K. Hartman); Brad Burt's Magic Videos 1-5; The Dog-Eared Deck Plus Video (Simon Lovell); Roger Klause In Concert (Lance Pierce)
104 Tricks for the Trade
104 Paradapt - Parallax Revisited (Tabman): card is turned inside out while spectator holds a cut out middle
105 Second Impression (Scott Wells): a selection is copied on a blank card, and also on a photocopy of the magician's hand (uses a FISM flash, Himber Wallet, and some gimmicked cards)
105 Bright Ideas for FISM Flash & Flash Point (Scott Wells): ideas as an opener
106 The Hand is Quicker Than the Eye (Eric DeCamps): a quick two card transposition
108 The Last Word (Chris Hurlbert): why do we do what we do?
108 From the Mailbox: suggestion for a simple line for approaching a table
109 May/June 1992, Issue 11
109 A Conversation with Michael Ammar (Jim Sisti): Interview
112 Magic Loses Another Bar Great: death of Jim Ryan
113 Ask the Only (Al the Only): weighing the factors in keeping your job at "any cost"
113 At the Bar (Ray Mertz): a Karl Norman card effect using a special Key Card
114 New Magic and Book Reviews: Dynaswitch (Mehdi); Keys to the Kingdom (David Acer); Card Mirage (Ton Onosaka); Fly Cards II (Aldo Colombini); The Wild Card Kit (Jon Racherbaumer); The Symposium Discussions Audio Tape (1989-1991 British Close Up Magic Symposiums)
116 Tricks for the Trade
116 The Balloon Prediction (Kirk Charles): a "Mental Choice" routine featuring a picture of balloon animals
117 Four Way Alchemy (La Banca): a borrowed one dollar bill changes to a ten then a twenty then a fifty and then a $100 bill (uses a four way bill)
118 Multiple Selection Mistakes (Jim Sisti): three selections are made and lost in the deck. Magician finds three cards, shows each spectator his choice, and when all three are asked, they state the cards were wrong. Instantly all the cards are correct
119 From the Mailbox: kudos for The Magic Menu
120 The Last Word (Chris Hurlbert): Hank Lee's Cape Cod Cavalcade

121 July/August 1992, Issue 12 A Special Dan Fleshman Issue!
121 Some Random Thoughts on Restaurant Magic (Dan Fleshman): covers pocket management, the approach, deciding on tables, and parting thoughts
124 Targeting Suitable Restaurants (Jim Sisti): how to market your business
125 Ask the Only (Al the Only): on making balloon animals
125 At the Bar (Ray Mertz): Hints on working at a bar
126 New Magic and Book Reviews: Insurance Policy Templates (Guy Camirand); My First Card Trick (John Cornelius); Mini-Fax (Barry Govan); The Collected Almanac (Richard Kaufman); Magic for Bartenders Encore! (Leo Behnke); Workers The Video (Michael Close); In Concert Video (Roger Klause)
128 Tricks for the Trade
128 Some Prediction (Dan Fleshman): a selection buried under the Aces turns out to be the prediction card previously placed on the table
129 Coin Through Hand (Dan Fleshman): through the spectator's hand (no gimmicks or duplicates)
130 Malini Freeman Twist (Dan Fleshman): A selection is placed in the middle of the deck and the magician's card is taken from the top and placed in the middle. Suddenly the magician's card is back on top and selection still in middle. Then the deck is spread and all are reversed except the selection
131 A Note From the Editor (Jim Sisti): on the end of Volume 2
132 The Last Word (Chris Hurlbert): more talk on balloon animals!
The Magic Menu Year Three
133 September/October 1992, Issue 13
133 Who Are We Fooling? (Kirk Charles): on the performer's ego
135 The Walk Around Formula (Johnny Ace Palmer): ideas for routining
135 Dai Vernon 1894-1992: tribute
136 English Money Vs. The U.S. Magician (Gary Ward): performing coin magic in the U.K.
137 Ask The Only (Al the Only): general intro, on taking tips, etc.
137 At the Bar (Ray Mertz): a list of tricks that work well at the bar
138 New Magic and Book Reviews: Invisible Thread Reel (James George); Hot Dog! (Nick Trost & Patrick Reymond); Kickback Monte (Keith Bennett); Show Time at the Tom Foolery (Kaufman); Corporate Presentations (Behnke); JC Wagner Video Vol II
140 Tricks of the Trade
140 Two Signed Card Transposition (Dennis Carroll): two signed cards transpose between deck and pocket
140 Sensory Deception (Burton The Bizarre): a penny and dollar change places between two spectators and then grow to jumbo size
141 The Dan Quayle Trick (Jim Sisti): topical speller
143 The Last Word (Chris Hurlbert): responding to questions like "how did you do that?"
145 November/December 1992, Issue 14
145 Restaurant Magic Down Under: notes from Australia
145 Tips and Techniques (Barry Govan): a force and other thoughts for the restaurant worker
147 The Art of Magic (David Parr): differences between entertainer and artist|
148 Being a Substitute (Dennis Carroll): how to be a substitute magician
148 Hot Flashes!: some Paul Green products noted
149 Ask the Only (Al the Only): tips on handling kids
149 At the Bar (Ray Mertz): a list of effective packet tricks
150 New Magic and Book Reviews: Card-Toon (Dan Harlan); Field's Famous Poker Hustle (Doyne Michie); Bill Repair (Bob Solari); Color Prediction Chips (Tom Craven); Out of Control (Chris Kenner); Take a Tip From Me...(Phil Sherman)
152 Tricks of the Trade
152 Snappy Card Giveaway (Barry Govan): a quick method to give away a promotional card using the snap change
152 Counterfeit Credit (Barry Govan): a picture of a credit card appears on one of four blank cards taken from a wallet. The "fake credit card" is wrapped in paper and placed in the wallet, then the other cards are placed there, too. As an afterthought, the paper wad is burned in a flash, to expose it has changed into a real bill
153 I.O.U. $20 (Barry Govan): an approach for the Kozlowski Bill Switch
153 Vari-Mental (Dan Tong): Dann's handling of the Invisible Deck or Ultra-Mental pack
154 Guest Check Pseudo-Psychometry (Jim Sisti): using a principle built into restaurant bills
154 Imagination (Shaun McCree): An Imaginary Deck type routine using an ordinary deck
156 The Last Word (Chris Hurlbert): Your first performance in a new restaurant
157 January/February 1993, Issue 15
157 Magic, Music, and More (Michael Close): thorough essay on many topics!
159 Bob's Trick & Joke Shop (David Acer): thoughts on the use of ordinary objects and justifying unusual objects in our magic
160 In the Trenches (Paul Green): a funny anecdote
161 Ask the Only (Al the Only): Christmas notes and thanks
161 At the Bar (Ray Mertz): general magic news
162 New Magic and Book Reviews: Impossible BIC Balance (Bob Solari); The Dark Card (Jean Boucher); Tie-It (Bud Morang); Hustle, Hustle Show Booking Result System Video (Joel Bauer); Growing in the Art of Magic Audio (Eugene Burger); Don't Blink (James Swain); Close Up Magic Restaurant Style Vol 2 (Barry Govan)
164 Tricks for the Trade
164 Poker Delusion (Jerry Camarro): gambling demo
165 It's Amazing - Spectators are the PITs (Paul Green): a spectator starts out as a Psychic in Training (PIT) but when the card goes blank, the magician must save the day
166 Two General Impressions (Scott Wells): using "Crack 'n' Peel" name labels and a coupon offer
166 Signed Torn & Restored Bill (Robert Benson): a clever approach using the Klause bill fold
167 Secret Support (Stuart Bowie): two ideas for sponge ball holders
168 The Last Word (Chris Hurlbert): approaching tables and ice breakers
169 March/April 1993, Issue 16
169 The Business of Magic (Doc Eason): essay
170 Survey Results Part 1 (Al the Only): partial results of the magazine's survey
171 Ethics (Michael Close): on theft of magic
172 In Memoriam William W. Larsen Jr
172 In the Trenches (Paul Green): an anecdote about a nice letter received
173 Ask the Only (Al the Only): New Year's resolutions
173 At the Bar (Ray Mertz): a picture gag
174 New Magic and Book Reviews: Copper Flight (Larry Nye); The Prize Room (Mark Leveridge); Way Out Of This World (Dick Zimmerman); The Pallbearers Review Books 1, 2, and 3 (Karl Fulves); Harry Lorayne's Magic Video #2; Workers Number Three (Michael Close)
176 Tricks for the Trade
176 Magic Paper (Michael Ammar): a napkin is coated in sweetener and lit with a lighter where it turns into a wadded dollar
177 Sponge Ball Vanisheroo (David Oliver): sponge ball vanish using body language and misdirection
177 The Mouse (Jerry Camarro): a mouse made from a napkin animates and finds the spectator's selected card
179 Secret Support (Stuart Bowie): thoughts on carrying awkward props
180 The Last Word (Chris Hurlbert): card to ladies' compact routine with a mirror gag
181 May/June 1993, Issue 17 A Special Scotty York Issue!
181 Some Random Thoughts For the Performing Bartender - or GTFM (Scotty York): essay
181 A Rumor In His Own Time (William A. Wells): about Scotty
184 In the Trenches (Paul Green): Story about George Burns and Nate Leipzig
185 Ask the Only (Al the Only): Code of Ethics
186 Tricks for the Trade: The Magic of Scotty York
186 The Marked Coin in the Sugar Packet (Scotty York): as titled!
187 The One Cup Routine (Scotty York): a one cup and ball routine using any cup (Scotty uses a coffee mug), four large bar olives, a lime or lemon, and a small stuffed bear with removable hat
188 The Signed Card in the Watch with Watch Works Transposition (Scotty York, transcribed by Jamy Ian Swiss): as titled!
192 The Last Word (Chris Hurlbert): handling magic junkies...
193 July/August 1993, Issue 18: A Special Michael Close Issue
193 On Creativity (Michael Close): essay
194 On Personality
195 Re: Me: a biography
196 In the Trenches (Paul Green): two more stories
197 At the Bar (Ray Mertz): describes a card routine from Charles McBurney from FFF
197 Secret Support (Stuart Bowie): more thoughts on handling props
198 New Magic and Book Reviews: All-Star Slugger (Orin & Craig Shemin); Cigarette Thru Any Coin (John Kennedy); Sleeping Pill (Tom Ladshaw); Monkey In the Middle (Bill Goldman); An Evening at the Tom Foolery Video (Mullica); Fechter (Mentzer); The Band-Shark Video (Harlan); Art of Restaurant Magic Video (Michael Close, Dan Fleshman, Bill Malone & Jim Sisti)
200 Tricks for the Trade: the Magic of Michael Close
200 Bloom In Your Hand (Michael Close): approaches to two Gaetan Bloom IT tricks that don't need a setup
201 Ordinary Copper/Silver (Michael Close): using a sugar packet and sweet-n-low
202 Look Ma, No Sleeves, No Topit (Michael Close): vanish and reproduction of a salt shaker
202 Funken Ketchup (Rhett Bryson): a gag with a Funkenring©
203 A Note From the Editor (Jim Sisti): thanks
204 The Last Word (Chris Hurlbert): on being able to handle cards well
The Magic Menu Year Four

205 Forward by Scotty York, 7 Oct 1994
205 September/October 1993, Issue 19
205 Confessions of a Restaurant Actor (Bill Brunelle): on Robert-Houdin's statement that a magician is "an actor playing the part of a magician"
206 Magic Menu Forum Debuts on Computer Bulletin Board: on Brad Burt's electronic bulletin board
206 In the Trenches (Paul Green): a story about perfect timing with a heckler
207 Survey Results Part 2 (Al the Only): more summaries of information from a reader survey
208 As the Only (Al the Only): discussion of earlier Ethics article
208 Secret Support (Stuart Bowie): on the security of your magic props
209 Frank Garcia 1928-1993: dedication to Mr. Garcia at his death
210 New Magic and Book Reviews: Pen Through Anything (John Cornelius); Hot Crossed Ones (Dan Harlan); Helping Hand (Jeff Caudell and Joe Boone); The Bar Cup (Jerry Camaro); Plucking Money Off the Magic Tree Video (Rick Wagner); Epilogue (Karl Fulves); The Card Artistry of Dan Fleshman Video
212 Tricks for the Trade
212 Signature Transpo (Tom Ladshaw): spectator's and magician's signed business cards transpose in the pockets
212 The Gio-Pad (Giovanni): making a performance pad that can sit on top of an inverted glass
213 Keep Your Eye On the Coin - Coin to Eye Transpo (Giovanni): your eyeball (well okay, a fake) and a coin transpose with a scream!
213 The Full Bottle Wipe Out (Simon Lovell): a very strong card to bottle, great for work at a bar
214 The Birthday Card (Dennis Carroll): a signed selection rises to the top of the deck, then turns into a "Birthday Card"
214 Easy Card Prediction (Jim Sisti): through a series of moves, spectator freely selects one of two cards, which has been predicted by the magician.
216 The Last Word (Chris Hurlbert): chatter about skill, Frank Garcia, an awful video, and strolling magic

217 November/December 1993, Issue 20 - A Special Bill Malone Issue
217 Beginnings, Middles, and No End in Sight (Lance Pierce): Biography and stories about Bill Malone. The next three effects are part of this article.
218 By Simple Means: a card opener featuring T. Nelson Downs' Throw Change
219 By Simple Means The First Way: an alternative approach
220 Radical Aces: the immediate production of four Aces from a shuffled pack
221 Ask the Only (Al the Only): handling the manager and your tables
221 In the Trenches (Paul Green): a story about the Milt Kort Miniature Cups and Balls
222 New Magic and Book Reviews: The Scotty York Light Bulb; Crystal Ball & Tube (Lou Ozment); Twist of Fate (Bob Solari); The Security Pen (Mark Leveridge); The Charlatan's Handbook (Sid Fleischman); For Your Eyes Only (Scotty York); The Business of Magic (Kevin King); The Allan Ackerman Videos Volumes 1&2
223 Tricks for the Trade
223 Utility Sponge Ball Switch (David Mirto): can be used as a color change
223 M.S.I.C. (Tony Griffith): Magic Square in Compass
224 A Perfect Match (Scott Wells): a signed card keeps rising to the top of a deck with the wave of a match stick, then it vanishes and is found in the match box
225 At the Bar (Ray Mertz): Hung Out to Dry card effect explained, in which the signed selection ends up dangling on a miniature clothespin
226 Straight Lines Don't Go Round Corners (Simon Lovell): what works and does not work for the lay audience
227 The Last Word (Chris Hurlbert): doing favors, don't underestimate your audience

229 January/February 1994, Issue 21 - A Tribute to Bert Allerton
229 The Legacy of Bert Allerton (Eugene Burger): about Bert Allerton, a magician at Chicago's premier restaurant, the Pump Room
229 Timeless Words from Bert: from the foreword to his "The Close-Up Magician"
230 Bert Allerton A Brief Biography (Robert Parrish):
231 Rules for the Close-Up Magician (Bert Allerton): 10 rules
232 Ask the Only (Al the Only): managing your finances
232 In the Trenches (Paul Green): a story about the real magic of working for a charity
233 Straight Lines Don't Go Around Corners (Simon Lovell): rather than hiding behind your props, become a good performer
234 New Magic and Book Reviews: Color Changing Knives (Scotty York); Joker Monte (David Neighbors); Martyn Swindle Shells (Bruce Martyn); Magician's Utility Pouch (Tabman USA); The Vernon Chronicles Videos (Bruce Cervon); 3rd British Close-Up Magic Symposium (Leveridge); Semi-Automatic Card Tricks (Steve Beam)
236 Tricks for the Trade
236 The Two Card Trick (Bert Allerton): two cards change places in the magician's pocket and this is apparently explained with another surprise
236 Vanishing the Bird Cage (Bert Allerton): yes, close up while seated!
237 The Missing Deuce (Bert Allerton): selection is lost in the deck and shuffled. Magician finds four deuces on the bottom of the deck, which are dealt to the spectator. Three are eliminated, then the fourth deuce is seen to have changed into the selection
238 Secret Support (Stuart Bowie): a tip for false cut practice, Post-It® style glue, and remembering names at a table
238 At the Bar (Ray Bertz): presents Tony Econ's Triumph in the Hands for walkaround
240 The Last Word (Chris Hurlbert): making a routine your own using an example of Jim Ryan's Chicago Opener
241 March/April 1994, Issue 22
241 The Scrutiny of the Public Eye (Gary Ward): being able to answer questions from your public
242 Becoming a Professional Restaurant Magician (Steve Beam): humor
243 At the Bar (Ray Mertz): magicians don't work cheap
244 How Much Is Enough? (Scott Wells): how long to stay with a group while strolling
245 As the Only (Al the Only): doing a job well even when you don't feel like it
245 In the Trenches (Paul Green): a lesson about making sure your spectator has the right card remembered!
246 New Magic and Book Reviews: Nervous Breakdown (Dominique Duvivier); The Last Monte (Harry Anderson); Zeus Pad (That's Magic); Las Vegas Chip Assembly (Tabman USA); Camera Magic (Anne White); Center Tear Teach-In Video (Lee Earle); Find the Ace (Leo Behnke)
248 Tricks for the Trade
248 The Famed Two Card and Glass Juggle (Simon Lovell): after failing to find the card, the magician teaches a poor glass and card juggling feat, and in the process discovers the selection
249 The Power in Alcohol (Jerry Camaro): torn and restored cigarette paper
249 Slabmug (Chris Hurlbert & Neal Prete): two in the hand and one in the pocket with gumballs and a mini-dispenser climax
250 Straight Lines Don't Go Around Corners (Simon Lovell): performing above your audiences heads (literally), and criteria for choosing effects
250 Hot Flashes!: mention of Bob King's book on the Breather Crimp, Allan Sherer's Ring Flite, the Minotaur magazine, etc.
252 The Last Word (Chris Hurlbert): on making a back-up kit, and some prop care tips
253 May/June 1994, Issue 23 - A Special Harry Lorayne Issue
253 An Out-to-Lunch Assortment (Harry Lorayne): stories of Harry's stint as a restaurant magician
256 Ask the Only (Al the Only): on being self employed
256 Hot Flashes!: Greater Magic reprint; Anne Bancroft in Malice; Paul Fox and Charlie Miller Style cups
257 In the Trenches (Paul Green): how a button raised a reputation
257 At the Bar (Ray Mertz): a clever gag using a fake set of fingers or false hand
258 New Magic and Book Reviews: Cap in Bottle (Daryl); Bert Allerton's Aspirin Box (Eugene Burger); Twisted Sisters (John Bannon); Easy to Master Card Miracles Volumes 1-3 (Michael Ammar); Bar Magic Video (Sheets/Mead/York); The Scotty York Video Volumes 1&2
260 Tricks for the Trade
260 Tell My Fortune (Harry Lorayne): a use for the center tear
260 Fourtitude (Harry Lorayne): a two card location that does not require a perfect FARO
261 Color Quickie (Harry Lorayne): spectator selects the card in a blue deck matching the only red card, then a 2nd match is found
262 Straight Lines Don't Go Around Corners (Simon Lovell): more on misdirection
263 Maxi-Pads (Jim Sisti): humor about performance pads
264 The Last Word (Chris Hurlbert): Hank Lee's 6th Cape Cod Conclave
265 July/August 1994, Issue 24
265 An Interview with Jamy Ian Swiss
268 At the Bar (Ray Mertz): another idea with the fake hand/sign idea from last issue
269 Ask the Only (Al the Only): on promotion
270 Tricks for the Trade
270 The "Solid" Glass (Jamy Ian Swiss): a one cup and ball routine using a glass wrapped in newspaper, with and absolute kicker ending
272 Sexy Swindle (Jamy Ian Swiss): an "adult" presentation of a variation of Paul Harris' Super Swindle for the bar performer
274 Straight Lines Don't Go Round Corners (Simon Lovell): your body language and handling spectators
275 A Great Balloon (Jean Merlin): The Sheep
276 The Last Word (Chris Hurlbert): handling rejection
The Magic Menu Year Five
277 September/October 1994, Issue 25
277 David Acer - Funny in the Head (Jim Sisti): Brief interview
278 An Amusing (Though Disgusting) Anecdote (David Acer): Drool...
279 At the Bar (Ray Mertz): Driscoll's Strictly for Lovers card trick explained
279 In the Trenches (Paul Green): talk about Paul Gertner and the Classic Force
280 Straight Lines Don't Go Round Corners (Simon Lovell): being flexible
281 Ask the Only (Al the Only): reflection on the summer's magic events
281 David Acer's Top 10 List of Clowns That Just Aren't Getting Any Work
282 New Magic and Book Reviews: Tricks: New Wave Prediction (Bob King); The Candy Kiss Machine (Scotty York); On Foot (Richard Sanders & Patrick Raymond); This One That 1 (Mark Leveridge); The Anniversary Waltz (Christopher Carter with William H Doc Eason); Books: Workers 4 (Michael Close); Strong Magic (Darwin Ortiz); Selling Restaurant Magic (Sean Tretheway)
284 Tricks for the Trade: The Magic of David Acer
284 Missing Ink: business card magic
286 Split Three Ways: false cut
286 SST Straightforward Standup Triumph: Triumph for walk-around
288 The Last Word (Chris Hurlbert): working with an agent
289 November/December 1994, Issue 26
289 A Reluctant Philosophy of Bar Magic (Jerry Camaro): thoughts on being a bar magician
290 My Turn (Jim Sisti): magic piracy, confusion on Paul Fox cups
291 At the Bar (Ray Mertz): clearing up Ray's Mirror Twist credits
291 In the Trenches (Paul Green): a few anecdotes
292 Straight Lines Don't Go Round Corners (Simon Lovell): two top ten favorites lists
292 Secret Support (Stuart Bowie): tips for managing the paperwork
293 Ask the Only (Al the Only): accepting substitute magicians at the restaurant
294 New Magic and Book Reviews: Tricks: Who's The Greatest (Bob Markwood); Diminishing Returns (Michael Powers); Prophecy Pack (David Regal); Books: The Dai Vernon Book of Magic (Lewis Ganson); Magical Wishes (Meir Yedid); Videos: The Power of Palming (Michael Close); Magic Italian Style Mamma Mia Magic (Aldo Colombini);
296 Tricks for the Trade: Jerry Camaro's Bar Magic
296 Rocky Does It: spring animal card revelation
296 Chop Cup Finale: for the bar
297 Missile: card is "shot" into the deck and finds selection
297 Card to Forehead: showstopper pick a card
298 David Acer's Top 10 Tricks that Just Aren't Selling Very Well
300 The Last Word (Chris Hurlbert): having routines for everybody
301 January/February 1995, Issue 27: A Bizarre Magic Issue!
301 Bizzare Magic in Restaurants? (Eugene Burger): yes, if an appropriate approach is used
302 Walking Around Bizarre-ly (Joe Lantiere): when to use Bizarre magic and how to choose
303 In the Trenches (Paul Green): when a miracle happens by accident
303 My Turn (Jim Sisti): Top Ten lists
304 Here's a Tip...Accept Only GEMS! (Scott Wells): on taking tips
305 Ask the Only (Al the Only): What about regulars?
306 New Magic and Book Reviews: Tricks - Futureclock (Funiyasu Fujiwara and Tooru Suzuki), Automatic Miracle Deck (Bodie Blake), Die-Cipher (Chazpro Magic Co.), Randy's Rainbow Deck (Randy Wakeman); Books - Greater Magic (John Northern Hilliard), The Pass (Gary Ouellet); Videos - Dai Vernon's Secrets of Magic (Dai Vernon and Bruce Cervon), Ultra Cervon Vol 1 & 2 (Bruce Cervon), From the Bottom Up (Jerry Camaro)
308 Tricks for the Trade
308 Images From a Witch's Mirror (Joe Lantiere): a use for your sand frame
309 The Black Feather (Victor Sansoucie): coins from hand to under card with aid of a magic feather
309 The Cosmic Crystal (Victor Sansoucie): a mystic crystal finds the card selection
310 Straight Lines Don't Go Round Corners (Simon Lovell): Rick Silvers top 5 tricks
311 The Magic Menu Awards 1994: Book of the Year - Strong Magic by Darwin Oritz; Trick of the Year - New Wave Prediction by Bob King; Video of the Year - Easy to Master Card Miracles by Michael Ammar; Person of the Year - Richard Kaufman for Greater Magic republication
312 The Last Word (Chris Hurlbert): mentalism books recommended, and a quickie lotto ticket effect
313 March/April 1995, Issue 28
313 One Step Beyond (Marc DeSouza): Hospitality Suite work, effect recommendations, etc.
315 My Turn (Jim Sisti): on World's Greatest Magic Teach A Trick segments
316 What is a House Magician? (Charles Green III): reprinted from the Magical Arts Journal
317 Ask the Only (Al the Only): Should you show tricks to staff?
317 In the Trenches (Paul Green): story about pleasing everyone (or not)
318 New Magic and Book Reviews: Videos - Easy to Master Money Miracles Volumes 1-3 (Michael Ammar)
320 Tricks for the Trade: The Magic of Marc DeSouza
320 Collection Agency (Marc DeSouza): quick and direct version of Walton's Collectors plot
320 Curse of the Rasta (Marc DeSouza): version of Peter Kane's Gypsy Curse using non-gimmicked cards
322 Straight Lines Don't Go Round Corners (Simon Lovell): Mike Cioppa's top 5 effects for restaurant work
322 Top Five Reasons We Shouldn't Do A Top Ten List: humor
323 At the Bar (Ray Mertz): card under glass finale
324 The Last Word (Chris Hurlbert): professionalism
325 May/June 1995, Issue 29
325 The Evolution of a Magician (Chris Hurlbert): stages of growth
326 In the Trenches (Paul Green): another story of an accidental near-miracle
237 Some Random Thoughts (Chris Hurlbert): don't be rash in your actions, pricing, exposure, etc.
328 How to Get Booked (Charles Green III): reprinted from the pages of the Magical Arts Journal
329 Ask the Only (Al the Only): Who is the Father of Restaurant Magic?
330 New Magic and Book Reviews: Tricks - Matchbox Penetration (Selecionnes Magicale), The Shrinking Bill (MagicThis), Transpensition (Kevin King); Books - The Magic of Matt Schulien (Phil Wilmarth), Semi-Automatic Card Tricks Vol II (Steve Beam), Card College Vol I (Roberto Giobbi); Videos - Martin's Close Up Miracles (Martin Lewis)
332 Tricks for the Trade: The Magic of Chris Hurlbert
332 The Copy Card (Chris Hurlbert): spectator produces a faded copy of a selection
332 The Destined Duo (Chris Hurlbert): a Tarot card effect for a couple
333 Food for Thought: spectator creates a food menu, and magician presents a properly added up bill!
334 Straight Lines Don't Go Round Corners (Simon Lovell): On the "why" of good effects
336 The Last Word (Jim Sisti): all about Chris Hurlbert!
337 July/August 1995, Issue 30
337 Sour Pickles (John Fareed): on praising bad magic
339 My Turn (Jim Sisti): Intro to John Fareed
339 In the Trenches (Paul Green): an Invisible Deck story
340 The First Night (Charles Green III): reprinted from the pages of Magical Arts Journal
341 Outside Work the Do's & Don'ts (Jim Sisti): how two mix private work and restaurant work successfully
342 New Magic and Book Reviews: Tricks - New and Improved Ring in the Card Case (Gary Plants), Your Choice! (Dan Fleshman), Credit Scare (Mark Leveridge), The One Eyed Wildebeest Wallet (Randy Wakeman, Harrison Carroll); Books - Encounters of the Close Up Kind (Dan Fleshman); Videos - Steve Bedwell Taped! The Steve Bedwell Video Volume One (Steve Bedwell), Mamma Mia Rope Trick (Aldo Colombini)
344 Tricks for the Trade: the Magic of John Fareed
344 Fatima (John Fareed): the dancing handkerchief
345 The Mind Projector: A presentation using your Pop-eyed Popper Deck
346 Ask the Only (Al the Only): the closing of Carlos Murphy's in Southfield, Michigan
347 Straight Lines Don't Go Round Corners: the climax of the effect
348 The Last Word (Chris Hurlbert): the importance of the Restaurant magician
351 The Magic Menu—Bonus Section
351 Nailed—To the Mat (Scott Wells): Card selection turns into the prediction, with both close up and stand up versions
353 The Last Straw (Andrew J. Pinard): discarded straw grows to twice its length
356 The Happy Birthday Card Trick (Al the Only): Alphabet cards for a Birthday Card trick
358 Sugar Transpo (Jon Allen): Brown and White sugar change places inside the packets!
360 Let’s Get Together (Paul Green): a card trick for couples or even business partners
362 Pocket Change (Jim Sisti): First card is found and placed in pocket, 2nd selection becomes 1st card, but then 2nd
364 The Sneaky Snapper (Simon Lovell): making the old Snapper trick more puzzling
366 The Flushing Joker (Chris Hurlbert): the magician's gambling demonstration
367 The Card Also Rises (David Acer): card rise from the case, no I.T.

373 The Magic Menu—Indices
373 Index of Contributors
377 Index of Articles
379 Index of Tricks
Product Details
No. of Pages 392
Personal Details
Read It No
Location Magic Library (Home) Shelf Top
Condition Near Mint
Owner Bryan-Keith Taylor