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Sherms (Robert Sherman) per Jack Chanin
0aa Magician Tokens
In Collection
Magic coin / token
Token / Coin 
Plain Disc - Sherms (Robert Sherman) per Jack Chanin-34mm Smooth-Ger. Silver

SHERMS (Robert Sherman)
LOCATION: Bridgeport CT
DATE: Unknown
OBV: Plain,mirror finish.
REV: Same.
COMPOSITION: German Silver 34mm Smooth Edge

Plain Discs are a difficult item to collect as there is no way to determine who put them out. This PD was collected originally by, Robert A. Olson, purchased from Jack Chanin who told me it was from Sherms. Jerry Fields obtained it from Robert A. Olson and it is still in the 2 by 2 card holder that Robert A. Olson put around it, with his note that it came from Jack Chanin.

This is not listed in the Magic Token Guide by Paul Courville, the update to the Magic Token Booklet by F. William Kuethe. This is from the Token Collection of Jerry Fields, being sold for his wife Ann Fields.
TAMS Journal, Volume 18, Number 5, October 1978, (Part Two)
Product Details
Personal Details
Read It Yes
Location Magic Library (Home)
Condition Very Fine
Owner Bryan-Keith Taylor