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Clever Like A Fox
Fox, Karrell
Supreme Magic Co (1976)
In Collection
Magic tricks
Great Britain  eng
Fox, Karrell: Clever Like a Fox
©1976 Karrell Fox, Supreme Magic, England
Hardcover, 200 pages

With bookplate for Waynr R. Wissner

Comments (Zigby7): This is not a book of untried pipe-dreams, but rather a book of effects that are out of his professional programs. He was a great comedy magician, but he could also do the standard tricks.


3 Foreword (Sid Lorraine)
4 Dedication

7 First! The Karrell Fox Story
7 Fantastic Fox (Edwin)
9 Much Ado about Nothing (John Braun)
13 Karrell Fox As Seen by Frances and Jay Marshall
21 The Fox of the After Dinner Circuit (Detroit Free Press)

27 The Tricks
27 Introduction
28 Thanx
30 More Thanx

33 Section 1 Karrell on Klose Up
33 The Enlarging Sponge Ball
35 The Wiggly Apple
35 The Balloon Apple
36 The Rubber Snake
37 A Real Gem
38 A Hair Raid
39 The Magic Marker
40 Silcopper Coins
42 The Dwarf's Bowing Trophy
44 A Tip
45 Vanglass
49 A Spoonerism
51 Pencil-tration
53 Imp-ossible
54 An Extra

59 Section 2 Karrell's Kard Koncepts
59 Rip-off
61 Barbershop Shuffle
64 Butterfly Shuffle
65 Foxy Double
69 About Face
70 The Plastrick Bag
72 Quite a Mouthful
73 Clippity Slip
75 Sup-Rising Card

79 Section 3 Show-Kards
79 The Persistent Bunny
81 Almost Complete Coverage
81 The Same to You Card Trick
83 Mouseket-ear Magic
85 Foxy Cardenballoon
87 Before Your Eyes

91 Section 4 The Sly-Cology of Mentalism
91 A Switch on Dave Hoy's Switch
93 Blotch-Splotch
95 Pseudo Psychomitrix
95 Musimentalism
96 Lipology
97 The Shifting Sands of the Sahara
99 Foxy-Loxy
101 Asto-Logical
103 Simple Sychometry

107 Section 5 Stage Craftiness
107 The Fulla-Schlitz Production
109 Karrell's Bloomers
111 Aw-shoot!
113 Instant Flowers
115 Florabundance
117 The Fool-eroid Camera
119 Kolor Kamera
122 Credit-Card Repeat
123 Fox's Rope-tie
125 Fox's Unequal-Nightmare Ropes
128 Beauty and the Least

135 Section 6 Lecture Notes
135 The Tarzan Rope Trick with a Flashy Finish
136 The Creepy Carnation
137 Close Up Cummerbund
139 Fox's Hare-Straightener
141 Take It and Stick It
143 Magical Assets
145 Ball-o-matic
149 Pyromaniact
151 Silkard Production
155 Bullseye Card Trick
157 H.H. Coin Catcher
159 The B.S. Coin Pail
163 Nite-Cap
165 Nite-Cap Supreme

171 Section 7 Foxy Novelties
171 A School for Vent
173 An Encore
175 Clip'nsnip Art
176 At the End of the Rope
179 Chalk Talk Features and Finale

187 Section 8 Etc.
187 Sillysilk Hats
189 Fox's Holder-holders
193 Fox's Hang-Ups
195 Hot Flashes
199 Cup and Saucery
Product Details
Extras Author autograph
No. of Pages 200
Personal Details
Read It No
Location Magic Library (Home) Shelf G
Condition Very Good
Owner Bryan-Keith Taylor
Fox, Karrell
(1928 - 1998 )
When he was a child, his parents operated a small restaurant in E. Rainelle, West Virginia. A customer sneaked out without paying his bill, but left behind a few small tricks. With these, Karrell began his magic career. He appeared on the "Ed Sullivan Show" at the age of 18. He later had his own TV show, performing as Milky the Clown.
Invented: Bullseye Card, B.S. Miser's Dream Pail, Magical Assets, Nite-Cap, Take It and Stick It, Two Fisted Book Test, Mene-Tekel Book Test, Knifty Knot, No Not, Baffling Blow-Outs and many more.
Wrote: Clever Like a Fox (1976), Another Book by Karrell Fox (1979), Comedy A La Card, Karrell Fox’s The Legend, For My Next Trick (Illustrated by Ed Harris), My Latest Book (Illustrated by Ed Harris), Much Ado About Something (Illustrated by Ed Harris)
Media: Karrell Fox, Volume 1 (DVD & VHS);