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Karl Fulves
L & L Publishing (1993)
In Collection
Magic tricks
USA  English
Fulves, Karl: Epilogue
©1967-1993 Karl Fulves, L&L Publishing
Hardcover, 312 pages

Comments: Drawings by Joseph K. Schmidt. Epilogue was a magaizine printed by Karl Fulves concentrating mostly on card magic from the late 1960's to the mid 1970's. This contents listing I obtained from The Magic Files is, I believe, the listing of the actual individual issues, and may differ slightly from what's in the hardcover. For example, this list includes Riffle Shuffle Technique, which does not appear in Denis Behr's index for the hardcover book, so I'm not sure if it is considered part of Epiloque or not. A lot more details of each effect can be found at Denis' site:

Contents: courtesy (no longer active)

No. 1, November 1967
1 Down & Under (Roy Walton)
1 The Name Is...? (Dai Vernon)
2 Color Control (Fulves)
4 Farocation (Edward Marlo)
4 Rosecrans Reverse (Bruce Cervon)
5 Prologue to Epilogue
6 A Problem (Sarles & Nielsen)
6 T.V. Puzzle (Robert E. Neale)
6 Exchanged (Jack Avis)
7 Faro-shuffling Machines (Fulves)
8 A Faro Tree (Roy Walton)

No. 2, March 1968
1 Faro Flush (Fr. Cyprian)
1 Cards & Dice (Bill Miesel)
3 Fan Reverse (Danny Tong)
3 Universals (Roy Walton)
5 For the Informed (Edward Marlo)
6 Insideout & Stretchit (Robert E. Neale)
7 Q & A (Fulves)
8 Finnell's Spell (Sam Randlett)

No. 3, July 1968
1 Riffle Shuffle Set-ups (Fulves)
1 Basic Color Control
2 The 3-card Cycle
3 Self-duplicating set-ups
3 The Self-correcting Set-up
4 3-card Sets
4 Spread Correction
5 The Floating Locator
5 Applications

No. 4, November 1968
1 Heads I Win (Frederick Pohl)
1 The Cabalistic Pair (Paul Swinford)
3 Face-up Flyers (Vernon-Cervon)
3 Impact (Roy Walton)
4 Pseudo Memory (Edward Marlo)
5 More Monge (Martin Gardner)
6 New Mexican (Fulves)
7 Faro Count (Keyser-Cervon)
8 Three Way Split

No. 5, March 1969
1 Repeat Poker Deal (Dai Vernon)
1 Pyramid Two (Robert E. Neale)
2 Two Chess Wagers
3 Ballabout (Kirk Stiles)
4 Riffle-shuffle Set-ups (Gene Finnell)
6 Edward Marlo
8 Restless Colors (Roy Walton)

No. 6, July 1969
1 Brainwave Bet (John Howie)
1 Money Power (Roy Walton)
2 Half Reverse Cut (Bruce Cervon)
3 2 Tricks (Fulves)
5 Riffle-shuffle Set-ups (Rick Johnsson-Roy Walton)
6 Pyramid Two (Robert E. Neale)
7 Reversing Aces (R. Gironda)
8 3rd Flight (Bill Miesel)

No. 7, November 1969
1 Loser! (Robert Hess)
1 Two Way Split (J.K. Hartman)
3 Influence (Roy Walton)
4 Game-playing Machines (S. Shimm)
6 Brown-1 (Fred Lessor)
6 Printout (Bruce Cervon)
7 Black Widow Notes (Roy Walton-Ray Miller)

No. 8, March 1970
1 Jumping Jack (Mel Brown)
1 Never Underestimate (Robert Hess)
2 Universal Joker (Horace Bennett)
3 Multiple of 2 (Fred Lessor)
4 3 Way Split (Bruce Cervon)
5 Divided We Stand (Roy Walton)
6 Sandswitch (J.K. Hartman)
7 The Closed Prediction (Fulves)
8 Instant Oil (John Hamilton)

No. 9, July 1970
1 Simplex 3 Way (Bill Miesel)
1 Telepath (Glen Kehler)
2 4-card Quadrille (Gray Leese)
3 Three Different Ways (Paul Swinford)
3 Nice Recovery (Fred Lessor)
4 Once a King (Fulves)
5 Imagin-ace-tion (J.K. Hartman)
6 Quadrille Notes
6 Insideout Jr. (Robert E. Neale)
7 They Match (Roy Walton)
7 Ultimate (Norman Houghton)
8 Card Problems (Hofzinser)

No. 10, November 1970
1 Convincing Mock Pass (Roger Klause)
1 L.J. Collectors (Larry Jennings)
2 The K-R Handling (Krenzel-Rosenthal)
3 Jordan's 4-as-4 Count (Francis Haxton)
3 Incomplete Side Steal (Jacob Daley)
4 Riffle Glimpse (Milbourne Christopher)
5 A Remarkable Bet
5 Instant Sandwitch (Harvey Rosenthal)
6 Card Problems (Hofzinser)
7 Open & Shut Predictions (Fred Lessor)

No. 11, March 1971
1 Duplex Changing Card (George Sands)
1 The "Lost Ace" Trick (Jack Avis)
2 An Illusion (Robert E. Neale)
3 Upsidedown Collectors (Roy Walton)
4 Transpose & Follow (Gerald Kosky)
5 Swallow the Leader (Fulves)
6 Card Problems (J. N. Hofzinser)
7 Daley's Card Thru Hank (Martin Gardner)

No. 12, July 1971
1 Multiple Change (Dai Vernon)
1 M/separation (Lin Searles)
2 1A Ace Paradox (Gene Finnell)
3 Hofzinser All-backed (John Thompson)
5 The Center Cut (Harvey Rosenthal)
6 One-hand Table Faro (Joseph K. Schmidt)
7 All Backs (Fulves)
9 Nomad Card (Roy Walton)

No. 13, November 1971
1 Toronto Dice (P. Howard Lyons)
1 Three Card Trick (Al Saal)
2 All Backs Finish (Milt Kort)
3 Simple Optics (Fred Lessor)
4 Bevel Multiple Shift (Jacob Daley)
5 Two Shuffle Controls
7 A Card Switch (R. Gordon Bruce)
8 Two Letters
10 Double Hofzinser (David Reichler)

No. 14, March 1972
1 Pre-cannibal Cards (Lin Searles)
1 A.E.-I.O.U. (Sam Schwartz)
3 Trinary Metastasis (Larry Jennings)
4 3-card Catch (Reinhard Muller)
5 Expansion Notes (Elmsley & Walton)
6 Illusion Aces (Fulves)
7 The 26th Card (Gene Finnell)
8 Pocket Poker (Roy Walton)
9 New Age Cards (Robert E. Neale)

No. 15, July 1972
1 Derek Dingle Issue (Part One)
1 Double Stranger
2 ala Kiga
3 Twisting the Aces
5 Royal Collectors
6 The 76¢ Assembly
9 Universal Chameleon
11 Mental Triumph

No. 15, Derek Dingle Issue (Part Two)
13 Gambler's Triumph
15 Side-steal Placement
17 Two Coppers
19 Bluff Shift
21 F.C.D. Aces
23 Progressive Triumph

No. 16, November 1972
1 Devil's Elevator (Vernon-Cervon)
1 El Blanco (David Bornstein)
2 Drop Outs (Roy Walton)
3 Whistle/No Sliding (Mike Rogers)
4 A 4-ace Problem (Ken Krenzel)
5 L.S.D. Aces (Wesley James)
6 Riffle Shuffle Control (Fulves)
7 Nice Recovery-2 (Francis Haxton)
8 Hummer-4 (Charles Hudson)
9 Faro Ideas (Earl Keyser)

No. 17, March 1973
1 Color Confused (Ken Beale)
2 Pocket Palm (R. Gordon Bruce)
3 Royal Marriages (Roy Walton)
4 3-card Catch (Gerald Kosky)
5 3 Reverses (Larry Jennings)
6 Coincidence (Bill Zavis)
7 Hofzinser-70 (Fr. Cyprian)
7 Faro Again (Earl Keyser)
8 Straight Across (Fulves)
8 No Table Triumph (Dennis Marks)

No. 18, July 1973
1 Topsy Turvy (Jack Avis)
2 Odd-even-odd (Bro. John Hamman)
3 Double Play (Fulves)
5 Tabled Bottom Deal (Wesley James)
6 5-card Hofzinser (Francis Haxton)
6 The Jiggle Pass (Taylor & Elias)
9 Reverse Glide (J. G. Thompson)

No. 19, November 1973
1 Re-confused (Bill Logan)
2 Hofzinser All-backed (Bruce Cervon)
3 Isolator (Roy Walton)
3 Backflip (Sam Schwartz)
4 On Two Counts (Fulves)
6 Switch Back (Fred Lessor)
7 All Backs (Derek Dingle)
9 Two Moves (Murray Bonfeld)

No. 20, March 1974
1 Tilt Prediction (Harvey Rosenthal)
2 Minus One (Mike Rogers)
2 4-card Catch (Herb Zarrow)
3 Espionage (Fulves)
5 Uprising (Gray Leese)
5 Multiple Shift (Walt Rollins)
6 Riddle's Aces (Derek Dingle)
7 Collecting Box (Roy Walton)
8 H.C. Aces (Henry Christ)
9 2-card Deal

No. 21, July 1974
1 Night Visitor (Howard Schwarzman)
2 The "Wink" Change (Martin Gardner)
4 Ah One Anna Two... (J. G. Thompson)
4 Swindle Mates (Herb Zarrow)
5 Imprint (Roy Walton)
6 Center Pull-out (Fulves)
8 Duo Coincido (Bill Miesel)

No. 22, November 1974
1 Empty KS (Rick Johnsson)
2 Royalty (David Luenberger)
3 Coins up Sleeve (Milt Tropp)
5 Flicker (John Cornelius)
5 Two Counts (Jeff Busby)
7 2 Jacks Again (Neal Elias)
9 Crucible Coin

No. 23, March 1975
1 Roulette Paradox (John Scarne)
2 Side Rise (Larry Jennings)
3 Cover-up Switch (Ken Krenzel)
3 Wireless (Karl Fulves)
7 Ace Popper (Piet Forton)
8 ESP (Harry Houdini)
9 The Sport Trick (Jack Avis)

No. 24, July 1975
1 Carlyle's Ghost (Mike Skinner)
2 However (J.G. Thompson Jr.)
3 Four Tricks (Jack Avis)
5 Three Tricks (Karl Fulves)
8 Night Poker (Howard Schwarzman)
10 Kangaroo (Roy Walton)

No. Special No. 1, J.K. Hartman Issue
1 Two for the Seer Saw
2 Mock Turtle
3 Advance Loading
5 Pushover
5 Collextra
6 Up Up & Away
7 Switch on a Switch
7 Bachanal
8 Taking Turns
9 A Fine Hand
10 Cull Add
10 Added Notes
11 P.S.

No. Special No. 2, Ken Krenzel Issue
1 Krenzel Prediction
2 Slide Under Switch
3 Light & Heavy Card
7 Mechanical Reverse
9 Progressive Aces
12 The Left Hand Only

No. Special No. 3,
1 Larry Jennings Issue (Part One)
1 The "Changling" Routine
2 Gambler's Bottom Deal
3 The L.J. Move
5 Royal Triumph
7 New Theory Mexican
8 Bottom Placement
10 Observation Test
12 Threesome
12 Final Touch
13 Larry Jennings Issue (Part Two)
13 An Ambitious Classic
16 Turnabout Peek
16 L.J. Collectors
18 Card Minus One
19 The Snap Second Deal
21 Impromptu Wild Card
23 Instant Aces
24 ala Elmsley

No. Special No. 4
1 The Ascanio Spread
2 W.J.'s Ascanio (Wesley James)
3 Cannibal Cards (Wesley James)
7 Three for Ascanio (Roy Walton)
10 Aces & Queens (Ascanio)
11 Apartheid II (Ken Beale)
13 Optical Count (Harvey Rosenthal)
14 Captured (Karl Fulves)
15 Elmsley's Cannibals
16 Substitutes (Karl Fulves)

No. Special No. 5
1 False Counts (Karl Fulves)
3 Double Push
4 In Sync
4 Mathematical False Count
5 Doomed
6 Doomed Again
9 Tunnel Vision
10 Snapblack
12 Royal Blue
13 Mixed Doubles
15 Oil & Water
16 False Count Notes

No. Riffle Shuffle Technique
23 Riffle Shuffle Technique
24 Full Deck Control (Herb Zarrow)
26 Additional Zarrow Technique
27 Z-notes (Roy Walton)
30 Two Tricks (Gus Southall)
31 4-way Triumph (Derek Dingle)
32 The General Transfer (Fulves)
97 Riffle Shuffle Technique (Part Two)
98 Fred Braue's Notes
99 A Letter to Southall
100 The Buffum Tape
101 The Stevens Control (Dai Vernon)
102 Gambler's Aces (Larry Jennings)
105 Further Applications (Karl Fulves)
Product Details
Dewey 793.8
No. of Pages 312
Personal Details
Read It No
Location Magic Library (Home)
Condition Mint
Owner Bryan-Keith Taylor