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Flash Paper Tips
Stuart Robson; Ralph W. Read
Louis Tannen (1976)
In Collection
Magic tricks
Robson, Stuart & Ralph W. Reed: Flash Paper Tips
©1937 Stuart Robson;
©1939 Nat. Louis Magic Co.
©1951, 1976 Louis Tannen, NY
Softcover, saddle-stitched, 5.5x8.5", 56 pages

Comments: Illustrated by Edw. E. Mishell. This book incorporates two previous editions: Tips on Flash Paper, and More Tips on Flash Paper plus additional material.

Contents: (from 1976 edition):

iii Foreword To the Present Volume
v Introduction (from the previous edition)

9 General Comments Re-Flash Paper
9 Do's and Don'ts
9 Igniting Flash Paper
10 A Few Suggestions
10 Types of Flash Paper Available
10 Concealment of Flash Paper
11 Special Notice!: on the mailing of flash paper
12 Opening Effects
12 Shooting Star
12 Flash Paper Opening
12 Flash Opening Supreme
13 Flash Opening (Louis Tannen)

14 Effects with Cigarettes, Cigars, Flames, Matches & Ashtrays
14 Cigarette Thru Handkerchief
14 Bazooka Cigarette
14 Roll Your Own (Dick Piser and Ralph W. Read)
15 Cigarette Fireworks (Louis Tannen)
15 Burning Contest
16 Enchanted Cigarette Holder
16 Vanishing Cigarette
16 Flash From Cigarette Bowl
17 Misdirection Flash
17 Flash Cigarette to Silk (Bob Hanko)
17 The Atomic Cigar
18 Candle Lighter
18 The Portable Flame
18 The Atomic Flame (Peter Raven)
19 The Invisible Flame
19 The Devil's Fingers
19 Burned and Restored Matches
20 Shaman's Lucifers
20 From the Ashes
20 Melted Ash Tray (Dick Piser and George Schindler)
21 Effects with Money
21 Melted Money
21 Money of Mephisto
21 I.O.U. (Paul Curry)
23 One to Five
23 Hot Money
23 The Bank of Beelzebub
24 Count Your Change
24 Change-A-Bill
24 Flash-A-Bill
24 The Torn and Restored Bill
25 The Counterfeit Money Test (Sid Lorraine)
26 The Bill Tube

26 Effects with Cards
26 King of the Nite Clubs
26 Flash Card Production (Louis Tannen)
26 Goddess of Flame (Nat Weil)
27 The Meteor Card (Max Holden)
28 The Flash Card Stab (Russ Walsh)
28 The Pip if a Flash
29 Flash Television Card Frame
29 Flash Publicity
29 Photo Flash (Dick Piser)
30 The Fire-Proof Ghose
30 Flash Card Location (Dick Piser and Harry Lorayne)
30 The Unseen Hand (Louis Tannen)

30 Flash Card Magic (Walter Price)
31 A Good Gag
31 Card Transformations
31 Flash Changing Card
31 Card Flight
32 The Indestructible Number
32 Effects with Silks
32 The Silk In the Flame
33 Flash Vanishing Silk (Geo. Bomier)
33 Split Second Color Change
33 Silk-Go (Dick Piser and Leo Spiewak)
34 A Flash Affair
34 Silk From a Flash Ball (Harold Rice)

35 Effects with Balls
35 Disappearing Billiard Ball
35 Billiard Ball to Silk Combination
36 The Puff Ball Vanish
36 Double Flash Transposition (Dick Piser)
37 Rainbow Billiard Ball Production

37 Effects with Paper
37 Acrobatic Paper
37 Hot News (Louis Tannen)
38 Color Flash (Dick Piser)
38 Billet Deuce
39 The Ghost Talks
39 Burnt and Restored Paper Strip
39 In a Hole (Jarrow)
39 The Floating Comet (Louis Tannen)

40 Effects with Flowers
40 Flash Flowers
41 Flower Flash (Louis Tannen)
41 Flash Match to Flower
41 Flower Color Change
41 Magic Boutonniere
42 Flash Bouquet Production
42 Effects with Rope
42 Rope Flash
43 The Why Not Cut and Restored Rope

43 Effects with Milk
43 Vanishing Milk
43 The Milk of Mephisto
43 Hot Milk

44 Miscellaneous Effects
44 Forever Amber Illustrated (Louis Tannen)
44 Flash Thimble Production (Jean Hugard)
44 Lucifer's Lemon
45 Cane In a Flash (Dick Piser)
45 Message From Hell
46 Flash Wand (Jim Collins)
46 The Firefly Ring (U.F. Grant)
47 Flash Pot (Louis Tannen)
47 No Time Lost (Bruce Elliott)

49 Gags, Stunts and Bits of Business
49 Controlled Burning
49 Exploding Flares
49 Fourth of July
49 Fast and Slow Gag (Ralph W. Read)
50 Impromptu By-Play
50 Hot Smoke
50 Who Buys a Round? (Stuart Robson and "Chic" Schoke)
51 The Devil in Person

52 Advertisements

Robson, Stuart & Ralph W. Reed: Flash Paper Tips
©1937 Stuart Robson; 1976 Louis Tannen, NY
Paper, stapled, 56 pages, 5.5x8.25
Product Details
No. of Pages 56
Personal Details
Read It No
Location Magic Library (Home) Shelf T
Condition Fine
Owner Bryan-Keith Taylor